Amy Bentley (Editor) Amy Bentley is Professor of Food Studies in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies, New York University and author of the award-winning Inventing Baby Food: Taste, Health, and the Industrialization of the American Diet. Fabio Parasecoli (Editor) Fabio Parasecoli is Professor of Food Studies in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies, New York University and author of most recently Gastronativism: Food, Identity, Politics. Krishnendu Ray (Editor) Krishnendu Ray is Professor of Food Studies in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies, New York University and author of The Ethnic Restaurateur. Marion Nestle (Foreword by) Marion Nestle is Paulette Goddard Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University as well as Professor of Sociology at NYU and Visiting Professor of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell. Nestle is the author of three prize-winning books, including Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health, Safe Food: The Politics of Food Safety, and What to Eat.
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"NYU's Food Studies department has a lot to teach: about pedagogy, art, library sciences, the limits of traditional disciplinary fields, and the world beyond the academy. With essays that blend biography with analysis, this anthology finds the universal in the particular. Anyone interested in how to address the urgent practical questions, while confronting the systemic ones, will find inspiration in this fine anthology." * Raj Patel, University of Texas at Austin *