Contents 1. Dona Teresa de Aguilera y Roche before the Inquisition: The Travails of a Seventeenth-Century Aristocratic Woman in New Mexico 7 Ramon A. Gutierrez 2. "Women Are as Knowing Therein as the Men": Dutch Women in Early America 43 Kim Todt 3. Women as Witches, Witches as Women: Witchcraft and Patriarchy in Colonial North America 66 Matthew Dennis and Elizabeth Reis 4. Servant Women and Sex in the Seventeenth-Century Chesapeake 95 Betty Wood 5. Rebecca Kellogg Ashley: Negotiating Identity on the Early American Borderlands, 1704-1757 118 Joy A. J. Howard 6. Womanly Masters: Gendering Slave Ownership in Colonial Jamaica 139 Christine Walker 7. Women at the Crossroads: Trade, Mobility, and Power in Early French America and Detroit 159 Karen L. Marrero 8. The Agrarian Village World of Indian Women in the Ohio River Valley 186 Susan Sleeper-Smith 9. Loyalist Women in British New York City, 1776-1783 210 Ruma Chopra 10. "I Knew That If I Went Back to Virginia, I Should Never Get My Liberty"