Credible and Actionable Evidence 2/e


The Foundation for Rigorous and Influential Evaluations

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Edited by Stewart I. Donaldson, Christina A. Christie, Melvin M. Mark
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Stewart I. Donaldson is Professor and Director of the Claremont Evaluation Center, and Dean of the Schools of Social Science, Policy & Evaluation and Community & Global Health at Claremont Graduate University. Dean Donaldson continues to develop and lead one of the most extensive and rigorous graduate programs specializing in evaluation. Dr. Donaldson is currently serving as the Director of the American Evaluation Association's (AEA) Graduate Education Diversity Internship (GEDI) Program and recently served a 3-year term on the AEA Board. He leads the Certificate for the Advanced Study of Evaluation Program at Claremont (a distance education program for working professionals) and has taught thousands of graduate students and working professionals participating in online courses, workshops, webinars, and various other e-learning experiences. He is a fellow of the Western Psychological Association, serves on the Boards of the International Positive Psychology Association and EvalPartners, and the Editorial Boards of the American Journal of Evaluation, New Directions for Evaluation, Evaluation and Program Planning, and the Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation. Professor Donaldson has authored or co-authored more than 200 evaluation reports, scientific journal articles, and chapters and his recent books include Credible and actionable evidence: The foundation of rigorous and influential evaluations (this volume); Practical program design and redesign: A theory-driven approach to program development and developmental evaluation (forthcoming); Evaluation for an equitable society (forthcoming); Theory-driven positive psychology: A culturally responsive scientific approach (forthcoming); Emerging Practices in International Development Evaluation (2013); The Future of Evaluation in Society: A Tribute to Michael Scriven (2013); Teaching Psychology Online: Tips and Strategies for Success (2012); Social Psychology and Evaluation (2011); Advancing Validity in Outcome Evaluation: Theory and Practice (2011); Applied Positive Psychology: Improving Everyday Life, Health, Schools, Work, and Society (2011); What Counts as Credible Evidence in Applied Research and Evaluation Practice? (2008); Program Theory-Driven Evaluation Science: Strategies and Applications (2007); Applied Psychology: New Frontiers and Rewarding Careers (2006); and Evaluating Social Programs and Problems: Visions for the New Millennium (2003). Dr. Donaldson has been honored with Early Career Achievement Awards from the Western Psychological Association and the American Evaluation Association. In 2013, he was honored with the American Evaluation Association's Paul F. Lazarsfeld Award for sustained lifetime written contributions to advancing evaluation theory and practice, and was elected President of the American Evaluation Association. Christina A. Christie is a Professor and Head of the Social Research Methodology Division in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at University of California, Los Angeles. Christie specializes in educational and social policy and program evaluation. Her research focuses on the factors and conditions that influence evaluation practice in an effort to strengthen our understanding of evaluation as a method for facilitating social change. She has published extensively and her work appears in journals such American Journal of Evaluation, Children and Youth Services Review, Evaluation and Program Planning, Studies in Educational Evaluation and Teachers College Record. Christie has served on the board of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) and is the former Chair of the Theories of Evaluation Division and the Research on Evaluation Division of AEA. Currently, she is an Associate Editor for the American Journal of Evaluation. Melvin M. Mark is professor of psychology at the Pennsylvania State University, where he also is Head of the Department of Psychology. He has served as President of the American Evaluation Association (AEA). He was Editor of the American Journal of Evaluation (and is now Editor Emeritus). A social psychologist, Dr. Mark has wide ranging interests related to the theory, methodology and practice of evaluation, as well as a general interest in the application of social psychology to evaluation and applied social research. Dr. Mark's awards include the American Evaluation Association's Lazarsfeld Award for Contributions to Evaluation Theory. He is author of more than 125 articles and chapters in books. Among his books are Evaluation: An integrated framework for understanding, guiding, and improving policies and programs and the co-edited volumes Social Science and Social Policy; SAGE Handbook of Evaluation; What Counts as Credible Evidence in Applied Research and Evaluation Practice; Evaluation in Action: Interviews with Expert Evaluators; and Social Psychology and Evaluation.

Part I: Introduction 1. Examining the Backbone of Contemporary Evaluation Practice: Credible and Actionable Evidence - Stewart I. Donaldson 2. Social Inquiry Paradigms as a Frame for the Debate on Credible Evidence - Christina A. Christie and Dreolin Fleischer 3. How People Judge the Credibility of Information: Lessons for Evaluation From Cognitive and Information Sciences - Robin Lin Miller Part II: Credible and Actionable Evidence: The Role of Randomized Experiments 4. When Getting It Right Matters: The Struggle for Rigorous Evidence of Impact and to Increase Its Influence Continues - Gary T. Henry 5. Randomized Controlled Trials: A Gold Standard or Gold Plated? - Leonard Bickman and Stephanie M. Reich 6. Demythologizing Causation and Evidence - Michael Scriven Part III: Credible and Actionable Evidence: Perspectives From a Range of Evaluation Designs and Methods 7. When and How Qualitative Methods Provide Credible and Actionable Evidence: Reasoning With Rigor, Probity, and Transparency - Sharon F. Rallis 8. Seeing Is Believing: Using Images as Evidence in Evaluation - Sandra Mathison 9. Credibility, Policy Use, and the Evaluation Synthesis - Eleanor Chelimsky Part IV: Credible and Actionable Evidence: General Perspectives 10. How Evidence Earns Credibility in Evaluation - Jennifer C. Greene 11. Actionable Evidence in Context: Contextual Influences on Adequacy and Appropriateness of Method Choice in Evaluation - George Julnes and Debra Rog 12. Credible Evidence of Effectiveness: Necessary but Not Sufficient - Thomas A. Schwandt 13. Credible and Actionable Evidence: A Framework, Overview, and Suggestions for Future Practice and Research - Melvin M. Mark

"Donaldson, Christie and Mark's thorough book on credible and actionable evidence provides a comprehensive overview of how thinking about this topic has evolved to its present state in the program evaluation community. There can never be a last word on the topic, but this is as good a current snapshot as one might find. I recommend it." -- William R. Shadish, University of California, Merced "The book is very well constructed in terms of building blocks to develop what the editors are addressing. The division into sections is a good example of strong organizational approach to a topic. The quality of the individual chapters is exemplary...[G]ood writing and solid expertise in compiling various aspects of the debate around research evaluation." -- Audrey J. Penner, Holland College and University of Prince Edward Island "A huge strength of the text is the discussion of research decisions within a social/cultural/political context. This is a critical conversation for students to have about applied research." -- Matthew J. Zagumny, Tennessee Technological University "High quality papers on an important issue written by some of the top scholars in the field. A must read for those interested in the topic." -- Ernie House Rigor generating credible evidence that influences decisions and action: that's the heady vision of an experimenting society. This book, bringing together evaluation's best thinkers and most astute practitioners, realistically explains why it's hard to achieve while inspirationally portraying how we can -- and sometimes do --get there. A book for anyone interested in evaluations that make a difference. -- Michael Quinn Patton "'What is credible and actionable evidence?', and 'How can we provide it?' are challenging, but fundamental, issues in evaluation. Experts across disciplines and perspectives have different views on the meaning and content of these concepts, and they often propose different strategies and methods for addressing these concerns. Credible and Actionable Evidence makes an essential contribution to this discussion by providing a platform for experts to productively discuss these questions, in order to understand the nature of evidence and exploit possible solutions. It is a great resource for anyone who is interested in enhancing the quality of evidence in their evaluation or applied research." -- Huey T. Chen

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