Preface About the Author PART 1- Perspectives and Processes Chapter 1- Adjustment: A Life Process Adjustment Defining Adjustment Determining Adjustment in Individuals Goodness of Fit Lack of Problems Positive Life Experiences Mind-Body Health ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: Sleep Matters RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Biofeedback Types of Change Change Throughout Human Development RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Erikson's Psychosocial Development-College to Midlife RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Positive Psychology Societal Change Perceptions of Change Change Can Be Stressful Positive and Negative Change Events Planned and Unplanned Change Comprehensibility of Change Traditions Contributing to Adjustment Interdisciplinary Approaches Psychoeducation Organization of This Book Conclusion Chapter 2- Purpose in Life Existential Psychology Change, Impermanence, and Awareness of Death Experimental Existential Psychology The Importance of Purpose and Meaning Coherence Purpose in Life Existential Hardiness RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Academic Hardiness and Grit Spirituality and Religion Intrinsic and Extrinsic Orientation (Individual and Social) ASPIRES (Assessment of Spiritual and Religious Sentiments) ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: Five-Factor Theory of Personality Effects of Religion and Spirituality on Health RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Neurological Effects of Religious Belief Religion, Spirituality, and Meaning Note on Our Perspective Autonomy, Choice, and Free Will ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: Creating Choice Conditions Conclusion Chapter 3- Community Contexts Mentoring Social Support Types of Social Support Social Networks Indegree Centrality and Brokerage Basic Rules of Networking Social Capital The Importance of Situation or Context Person by Situation Interactions Ecological Psychology and Behavioral Settings RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Context and Identity Discriminative Setting Stimuli Two Powerful Social Effects Conformity Obedience to Authority ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: In-Group, Out-Group Culture Collectivist Versus Individualistic Cultures Cultural Complexes Developmental Psychopathology RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Gene X Environment Interaction Resilience The Maturation and Socialization Process Conclusion Chapter 4- Experience and Learning Pavlovian Conditioning The Basics of Pavlovian Conditioning Preparedness in Behavior Acquisition Operant Conditioning Discriminative Stimulus Response, Behavior, or Operant RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Hebb's Rule Consequences: Feedback, Reinforcement, Punishment, or Nothing ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: Avoidance Learning Consequences That Are Predictable But Not Always There ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: Premack Principle Shaping ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: Self-Control Cognitive Behaviorism Social Learning Modeling Perceived Self-Efficacy Collective Efficacy Learning Probabilities (Statistical Learning Implicit and Explicit Learning Cognitive Development Jean Piaget Lev Vygotsky Active Learning Conclusion Chapter 5- Mindfulness: A Path to Awareness Mindfulness and Meditation Defining Mindfulness Defining Meditation ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: Meditation Exercise History of Psychology and Mindfulness Research and Practice Origins of Mindfulness Practice Research on Meditation and Mindfulness Bridging Science and the Meditation Experience Mindfulness in Practice Mindfulness and Nonjudgmental Awareness Mindfulness Promoting Self-Regulation ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: A Week of Mindfulness Mindfulness Promoting Compassion ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: Create a Loving-Kindness Meditation On the Mindful Path: Moving Toward Action The Beginning of Action and Change The Foundation for Action ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: What Do I Value? The Path to Change Moving Toward Commitment and Change Conclusion Chapter 6- Stress, Health, and Well-Being Stress Stressors RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Measuring Stress Stress Processes Stress Reactions Coping Emotion-Focused and Problem Solving-Focused Coping Active Coping and Avoidant Coping Coping With Controllable Versus Uncontrollable Stressors Coping With Culturally Related Stressors Microaggressions ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: Examples of Microaggressions Culturally Relevant Coping Healthy Stress Management Social Support Physical Touch Meditation Exercise Self-Help Good Stress Versus Bad Stress Bad Stress Good Stress Growth Through Adversity Reframing RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Stress and Technology Health and Well-Being Diet and Nutrition Physical Activity and Exercise Avoiding Substance Use Conclusion PART 2- Applications Chapter 7- Social Relationships Friendship and Well-Being First Friendships Childhood Friendships Friendship and Diversity Friendships During Adolescence RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Similarity and Friendships Friendships and Social Media Adult Friendships Friendship Maintenance Building Blocks of Relationships Empathy and Compassion ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: Teaching Compassion Altruism and Prosocial Behavior Loneliness Conclusion Chapter 8- Romance and Intimacy The Seeds of Romance Casual Sexual Arrangements Committed Partnerships Healthy Intimate Relationships ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: Myths About Good Relationships Sexuality in Intimate Relationships Gay and Lesbian Relationships Intimacy Problems Infidelity Online Cheating Versus Off-Line Cheating To Cheat or Not to Cheat Relationship Violence Ending Relationships RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Predictors of Divorce Relationship Maintenance Conclusion Chapter 9- School School's Importance in the Life of a Child Fundamentals of School Success in Preschool and Kindergarten ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: Head Start Individual and Environmental Factors Related to Academic Success Self-Beliefs Motivation School Belonging ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: Bullying Teacher Beliefs Teachers' Encouragement and Praise RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Intelligence Testing School Climate School Size School Resources RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: School Dropout The College Experience First-Generation College Students Understanding College Success Factors RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: TRIO Programs Helping College Students Succeed Mentoring ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: How to Find and Gain a Mentor Conclusion Chapter 10- Work and Vocation The Psychological Importance of Work Work Across the Life Span Adolescence College Career Indecision First Job RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Involuntary Job Loss Midcareer Retirement Demographic Factors in Vocational Development RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: STEM Careers Theories of Vocational Decision Making Theory of Occupational Circumscription and Compromise Social Cognitive Career Theory Theory of Person-Environment Fit ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: Holland's Theory Rewards and Risks of Work Flow Job Stress Dealing With Work Stress Conclusion Chapter 11- Money The History of Money Learning About Money Developmental Aspects of Money RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Social Class Behavioral Economics Comparisons Two Decision-Making Processes RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Money's Effect on Us Money Skills Buying Seeing Free Is Tempting Slowing Down and Thinking Shopping When Tired Anticipating Pleasure Determining the Worth of Things Bought and Things Lost Delaying the Pain ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: Credit Cards and Loans Saving Parental Influence on Saving Identification With the Future Self ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: Present-Future Similarity Test The Powerful Self Regular and Automatic Savings Money and Happiness Conclusion Chapter 12- Aging Life Expectancies Age-Related Changes Physical Changes Early Adulthood Middle Adulthood Older Adulthood RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: How Old Is Old? Cognitive Changes Early Adulthood Middle Adulthood Older Adulthood Socioemotional Changes of Aging Identity Changes Generativity and Meaning Sense of Control Social Support ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: Decreasing Loneliness The Third Age Retirement Role Redefinition Finances Successful Aging Adjusting to Losses Grieving Aging in Place RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Retirement Communities and Nursing Homes Conclusion Chapter 13- Dysfunction and Maladjustment Section One: Mental Illness Supernatural, Somatogenic, and Psychogenic Explanations Mental Illness Today Anxiety Disorders Origins of Anxiety Disorders Mood Disorders Origins of Mood Disorders Psychotic Disorders Origins of Psychosis Eating Disorders Origins of Eating Disorders Substance Abuse Disorders and Addictions Origins of Addictions RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Suicide-The Most Drastic Choice Neurodevelopmental Disorders Attention Deficit Disorders Origins of Attention Deficit Disorders Autism Spectrum Disorder Origins of Autism Spectrum Disorder Section Two: Treatment of Mental Illness Early Treatment: Asylums Psychotherapy: A Psychogenic Approach ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: The Experience of Seeking Professional Help Psychosurgeries and Psychotropic Medications: Somatogenic Approaches Psychotropic Surgeries RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Brain Stimulation Therapies Psychotropic Medications ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: Making a Choice to Try Medication The Future of Mental Health Conclusion Chapter 14- The Search for Balance and the Future Personal Challenges of the Future The Dynamics of Person and Place Agency and Communion Personal Perspectives Societal Challenges of the Future Diversity Demographics of Age and Ethnicity Gender and Sexual Orientation Effects of Diversity Reducing Reactivity and Increasing Appreciation Travel RESEARCHING ADJUSTMENT: Multicultural Experience Classes Being Happy Common Goals Desire to Change Contact Loving Kindness Meditation Declassification, Reclassification, Individuation Changing Technologies A Brief History of Technology Technology Around the Globe Interpersonal Relationships Negative and Positive Effects of Today's Technologies Narcissism Increasing Isolation Negative Self-Perceptions Internet Addiction ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION: Steps to Healthy Limits in the Use of Technology Positive Aspects of the Internet Conclusion ADJUSTMENT IN PRACTICE: The Power of the Narrative Glossary References Index