Kathleen Fulton is a writer and education consultant specializing in teaching quality and technology. She served as Director, Reinventing Schools for the 21st Century, at the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future (NCTAF) for ten years. Before joining NCTAF, Ms. Fulton was Project Director for the Congressional Web-based Education Commission and lead author of their report The Power of the Internet for Learning. She spent four years as Associate Director of the Center for Learning and Educational Technology at the University of Maryland, and worked for ten years as a policy analyst for the U.S. Congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA). At OTA she was the Project Director responsible for several major education reports, including Education and Technology: Future Visions, and Teachers and Technology: Making the Connection. Since her retirement from NCTAF, Fulton has been consulting with a range of clients, including the State Education Technology Directors Association, the U.S. Department of State, the University of Colorado at Denver, the National Council of Teachers of English, and the Byron School District in Minnesota. Her current work focuses on "flipped classrooms" and she has written articles on this topic published in the Phi Delta Kappan ,T.H.E. Journal, Learning and Leading with Technology, and School Administrator. She graduated from Smith College with a BA in English, and received a Master of Arts in Human Development from the University of Maryland. Fulton lives in Takoma Park, Maryland with her husband Harry Fulton and has two grown children, Rebecca and Jeffrey, and four amazing grandchildren. Listen to Kathleen Fulton's webinar "Top 10 Reasons Why Flipping the Classroom Can Change Education" here.
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Preface Why a Book on Flipped Classrooms? How This Book Is Different Who Can Benefit From This Book? Acknowledgments About the Author Introduction What Is Flipping Anyway? How Do Teachers Create Flipped Lessons? How Different Is Flipping? The Flipping Mindset A Brief History of Flipping How Common Are Flipped Classrooms? Will Flipping Exacerbate the Digital Divide? Why Is Flipping Catching Fire? Read On! Chapter 1. Flipping Maximizes Time for Active Learning Lecturing: The Oldest Form of Teaching Moving Instruction From Group Time Into the Individual Learning Space What Does Maximizing the Use of Class Time Look Like in Flipped Classrooms? Caveats Summary Chapter 2. Flipping Facilitates Differentiated Instruction Working With Each Student Every Day Flipping and Mastery Learning Caveats Summary Chapter 3. Flipping Is Grounded in Learning Theory What's Wrong With Lecturing? What Makes Flipping Instruction Different? Building Flipping on a Strong Learning Foundation How Do People Learn? Inquiry or Challenge-Based Learning Other Key Elements From Cognitive Science Research Additional Areas for Research Caveats Summary Chapter 4. Flipping Effectiveness Data Show Promise The Power of Data More to Learn Caveats Summary Chapter 5. Flipping Benefits Teachers Too A Tradition of Solo Practice Where Does Flipped Teaching Fit in? Co-Flipping: Taking Flipped Team Teaching Beyond the School Walls Teacher Learning: Embedded and Flipped Professional Development Are Teachers Ready to Use Technology for Flipping? Caveats Summary Chapter 6. Students Like Flipping Use of Technology Is Not Just Cool, It's Expected Self-Pacing Brings Independence to Learners Rewinding the Teacher More Student Engagement = Fewer Disciplinary Problems More Time With Teachers Not All Students Want to Adjust to a New Teaching Style Caveats Summary Chapter 7. Flipping Brings the Classroom to Parents Parents' Views of Classrooms: Memories of Bygone Days Preparing Parents for Flipping Caveats Summary Chapter 8. Flipping Makes Effective Use of Resources The Push/Pull of Technology Innovation and Implementation Technology Adoption in K-12 Education Digital Readiness But the More We Have, the More We Want Where's the Money to Pay for All This? Caveats Summary Chapter 9. Flipping Builds 21st Century Skills First Century Skills Is More Like It Workforce Success and School Skills Where Does Flipping Fit in? Supporting Bloom With Technology Caveats Summary Chapter 10. Flipping the Future How Might Flipped Classrooms Impact Education? What Might Other Benefits Be? What Could Be the Downsides? What Might Prevent Flipping From Gaining Traction in K-12 Classrooms? Flipped Classrooms: Lasting Impact or Passing Fad? Final Thoughts: Can We Flip the Future? Appendix: Educators' Q&A on Flipped Classrooms References Index
"This great book provides the background, reasons, and advantages of flipping. It is the perfect book for someone trying to decide whether or not to get their feet wet. It also offers resources for further in-depth study and collaboration." -- Alexis Ludewig, Supervisor of Student Teachers "Flipped classrooms empower teachers to engage students in deeper learning. This book gives readers ten reasons for joining forces to make this possibility a reality." -- Tom Carroll, President "This book addresses some of the basic inadequacies in our traditional educational practice. It provides an innovative and thoughtful alternative to the all too prevalent non-student centered approach that has dominated education for too long." -- Robert Barkley, Jr., Retired Executive Director "I highly recommend this book for any educator interested in flipping the classroom to reinvent the learning process. The stories show how flipping is energizing teachers and students - with powerful results!" -- Lisa Schmucki, Founder and CEO "This is an interesting text written in a conversational tone by an author who is knowledgeable about technology and enthusiastic about the potential of flipping as a technique to alter teaching and learning. Well-written case studies from various classrooms provide insight into what flipping means as a part of instruction." -- Dr. Allen D. Glenn, Retired Professor and Dean Emeritus