Public Management 2/e


Thinking and Acting in Three Dimensions

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By Carolyn J. Hill, Laurence E. Lynn
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Carolyn J. Hill is associate professor of public policy at the McCourt School of Public Policy. She is also a senior fellow at MDRC. Her research focuses on whether and why public programs are effective, and how they can be improved. Her work has been published in the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, the Review of Economics and Statistics, and other journals. With Laurence E. Lynn, Jr. and Carolyn J. Heinrich, Hill is the author of Improving Governance: A New Logic for Empirical Research. Laurence E. Lynn, Jr. is Sydney Stein, Jr. Professor of Public Management Emeritus at the University of Chicago. His research focuses on governance, public administration, and public management. His books include Public Management as Art, Science and Profession, Madison's Managers: Public Admiinistration and the Constitution (with Anthony M. Bertelli), and Public Management: Old and New, and he is co-editor of the Oxford Handbook of Public Management. He has received the John Gaus lectureship award from the American Political Science Association, the Dwight Waldo and Paul Van Riper awards from the American Society for Public Administration, and the H. George Frederickson Award from the Public Management Research Association.

PART I: ANALYZING PUBLIC MANAGEMENT'S CHALLENGES Introduction to Part I: Analyzing Public Management's Challenges: The Fundamentals CHAPTER 1: PUBLIC MANAGEMENT'S THREE DIMENSIONS: STRUCTURE, CULTURE, CRAFT Public Managers and the Domain of Public Management Historical Origins of Public Management Public and Private Management: How Similar? How Different? Eight Distinctive Challenges of Public Management Meeting the Distinctive Challenges of Public Management Organization of the Book Case Analysis: Could "The System" Have Saved The Children of Banita Jacks? CHAPTER 2: FIRST PRINCIPLES: MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTABILITY TO THE RULE OF LAW Introduction What Is Meant By "The Rule of Law"? Practicing Lawful Public Management What Is Meant by "Accountability"? Thinking Institutionally Case Analysis: The Rule of Law in Action: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. the Environmental Protection Agency CHAPTER 3: NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY SURVEILLANCE: REFLECTING SOCIETY'S VALUES, PERFORMING EFFECTIVELY, EARNING TRUST? Introduction A Leak, A Crisis National Security Agency Surveillance: The Building Blocks Revelations of U.S. Surveillance Unfold Public Management Analysis PART II: STRUCTURES: THE CONCRETE EXPRESSIONS OF PUBLIC POLICY Introduction to Part II: Structures: The Concrete Expressions of Public Policy CHAPTER 4: STRUCTURES OF GOVERNMENT: JAMES MADISON'S LEGACIES Introduction Case: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010: How Madisonian Democracy Works Separation of Powers Checks and Balances Federalism At the Apex of Power: The People A Logic of Constitutional Governance Case Analysis: Austin Energy CHAPTER 5: STRUCTURES OF GOVERNMENT: THE ADMINISTRATIVE STATE Introduction Case: The Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Madisonian Politics and the Administrative State: The Politics of Bureaucratic Structure Direct Government Control: The Bureaucracy Financial Structures: Budgets and Budgeting Public Personnel Systems: Protection, Performance, Control Alternatives to Direct Government Case Analysis: State of Missouri's Reform of its Juvenile Justice System CHAPTER 6: STRUCTURES OF GOVERNMENT: TOOLS FOR PUBLIC MANAGERS Introduction Case: Reorganizing U.S. Foreign Assistance Programs Confronting Public Management's Challenges: Analytical Tools Organizational Structure Case Analysis: Managing the Rollout of CHAPTER 7: STRUCTURES OF GOVERNMENT: RULES AND REGULATIONS Introduction Case: The Financial Crisis of 2008 Why Regulate? How Does Federal Regulation Happen? Enforceability and Enforcement The Politics of Regulation Case Analysis: Gas Pains: Fracking Regulation PART III: THE CULTURE DIMENSION Introduction to Part III: Culture: Norms, Values, and Institutions CHAPTER 8: CULTURE: THE BUILDING BLOCKS Introduction Case: Home Visiting in Early Head Start The Building Blocks of Culture: Historical Perspective Ethics Values Motives Professions and Professional Training Case Analysis: Pay in Public Organizations CHAPTER 9: CULTURE: INSTITUTIONALIZED VALUES Introduction Case: The Space Shuttle Columbia Accident What are Institutionalized Values? Historical Perspective Culture as Support (or Impediment) for Rules and Routines Reform Case Analysis: "Corrosive Culture" in the Veterans Administration PART IV: THE CRAFT DIMENSION Introduction to Part IV: Craft: Public Managers as Creators CHAPTER 10: MANAGERIAL STYLES Introduction Case: The Contrasting Craft of Two Cabinet Secretaries How Temperament and Personality Affect Craft Leadership Case Analysis: Kate Maehr and the Greater Chicago Food Depository CHAPTER 11: MANAGERIAL HEURISTICS Introduction Case: Michelle Rhee and DC Public School Reform Decision Making How Public Managers Can Learn Being Strategic Case Analysis: Paul Vallas: CEO, Superintendent PART V: MULTI-DIMENSIONAL PUBLIC MANAGEMENT Introduction to Part V: Managing in Three Dimensions: Reflecting Society's Values, Performing Effectively, Earning Trust CHAPTER 12: 3D PUBLIC MANAGEMENT: STRUCTURE, CULTURE, CRAFT Introduction Case: CompStat in 3D Distinctive Challenges of Public Management: Managing in 3D Conundrums of Three-Dimensional Management The Rule of Law in 3D Case Analysis: The Space Shuttle Columbia Accident in 3D APPENDIX A: THE USE OF ARGUMENT

"Carolyn Hill and Larry Lynn skillfully tackle the complexities and inherent tensions of managing in the public sector. Using organizational expressions of structure and culture and employing tools to master the craft of management, the authors create a cogent, integrated, and lucid narrative on the state of public management. They successfully blend the power of the rule of law, the role of historical precedent, the influence of research and theory, and the experience of practice to discuss the basic tenets of public management and successful approaches to its practice. This book is a winner for those of us who teach, practice and study public management." -- Angela Evans "Hill and Lynn's Public Management: Thinking and Acting in Three Dimensions is a highly relevant and sophisticated analytical framework shaped by theory, grounded in evidence, and directed at strengthening performance of public organizations. This book focuses on effective public management by bridging the gap between policy design and implementation." -- David M. Van Slyke, Ph.D. "I have used Public Management: Thinking and Acting in Three Dimensions as the primary textbook for my Introduction to Public Management class since it was first released, and will be delighted to use this new edition. Hill and Lynn are unique in integrating relevant social science with accessible case studies to engage in discussions of public values, while offering students memorable and useful analytical frames to address public sector challenges. A strength of the first edition is the strong reliance on contemporary examples and research, and the new edition reestablishes this text as the best in the field." -- Donald Moynihan

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