Robert E. Slavin is director of the Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University, director of the Institute for Effective Education at the University of York, and the cofounder and chairman of the Success for All Foundation. He has authored or coauthored more than 200 articles and 20 books, including Educational Psychology: Theory into Practice (Allyn & Bacon, 1986, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2003), Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research, and Practice (Allyn & Bacon, 1990, 1995), Show Me the Evidence: Proven and Promising Programs for America's Schools (Corwin, 1998), Effective Programs for Latino Students (Erlbaum, 2000), and One Million Children: Success for All (Corwin, 2001). He received the American Educational Research Association's Raymond B. Cattell Early Career Award for Programmatic Research in 1986, the Palmer O. Johnson award for the best article in an AERA journal in 1988, the Charles A. Dana award in 1994, the James Bryant Conant Award from the Education Commission of the States in 1998, the Outstanding Leadership in Education Award from the Horace Mann League in 1999, and the Distinguished Services Award from the Council of Chief State School Officers in 2000. He received his BA in psychology from Reed College in 1972 and his PhD in social relations in 1975 from Johns Hopkins University.
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Foreword - Marcia L. Tate Introduction Preface - Robert Slavin About the Editor Chapter 1. Assessment in a Differentiated Classroom - Carol Ann Tomlinson and Tonya Moon Chapter 2. Formative Assessments in High Schools - Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey Chapter 3. Formative Assessment and Feedback to Learners - Steve Higgins Chapter 4. Multiple Measures in Classroom Assessment - Susan Brookhart Chapter 5. Promoting Learning and Achievement Through Self-Assessment - Heidi Andrade Chapter 6. Exposing the Imbalance in "Balanced Assessment" - W. James Popham Chapter 7. Do We Need an Assessment Overhaul? - Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins Chapter 8. Formative Assessment: An Enabler of Learning - Margaret Heritage Chapter 9. Upgrading High-Stakes Assessments - Albert Oosterhof Chapter 10. England Versus Wales: Education Performance and Accountability - Sandra McNally Chapter 11. In Search of Feasible Fidelity - David Andrews Chapter 12. Before Choosing, Ask Three Questions - Steve Fleischman Chapter 13. What Works in Classroom Management - Thomas Kratochwill, Rachel DeRoos, and Samantha Blair Chapter 14. Good Instruction Is Good Classroom Management - Robert Slavin Chapter 15. Am I the Only One Struggling With Classroom Management? - Inge Poole and Carolyn Evertson Chapter 16. Classroom Management: What Teachers Should Know - Regina Oliver Chapter 17. From Tourists to Citizens - H. Jerome Freiberg Chapter 18. Promoting Engagement With Check & Connect - Angie Pohl and Karen Storm Chapter 19. Dealing With Classroom Management Problems - Saul Axelrod Chapter 20. Support for Teachers Around the World - Judy Hutchings Chapter 21. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports - Catherine Bradshaw Chapter 22. First Step to Success for Preschool Children - Edward Feil, Andy Frey, and Annemieke Golly Chapter 23. Improving Teaching in Science and Mathematics - Claudia Fischer and Karen Rieck Chapter 24. Improving Reading and Math Achievement Across a Whole District - Allen Thurston, Peter Tymms, Christine Merrell, and Nora Conlin Chapter 25. Co-Teaching: Inclusion and Increased Student Achievement - Marilyn Friend and Tammy Barron Chapter 26. Implementing Response to Instruction and Intervention With Older Students - Nancy Frey and Douglas Fisher Chapter 27. Teaching English Language Learners in Inclusion Settings - Kristi Santi and David Francis Index