Law and Society


A Sociological Approach

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By James J. Chriss
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Preface Opening Thoughts Acknowledgments List of Reviewers About the Author Chapter 1. Law and Society: An Overview Introduction From Savagery to Civilization: A Brief Overview What Is Law? What Is Sociology? The Norm Continuum Cooperation and Conflict Law and Everyday Life Critical Analyses of Law Social Justice and Constitutionalism Conclusion Notes Chapter 2. Fundamentals of Law and Society Introduction Substantive and Procedural Law Private and Public Law Common Law Trifles Jurisprudence Sociolegal Thinkers Notes Chapter 3. Sociologists of Law: Classical and Contemporary Introduction Contemporary Sociologists of Law Notes Chapter 4. Criminal Law Introduction Burden of Proof Presumption of Innocence Mens Rea and Actus Reus Legal Defenses: Exemptions, Justifications, and Excuses The System of Federalism Eighteenth Amendment: The Criminalization of Drinking The Case of Hate Crimes Factors in Crime Reporting Notes Chapter 5. Civil Law Introduction Obligations More on Due Process The Seventh Amendment Notes Chapter 6. Administrative Law Introduction The Rivalry Between Administration and Law Nondelegation Independent Regulatory Agencies The EPA and the Clean Air Act The Process of Environmental Regulation Who Are the Administrators? The Regulatory Trilemma Notes Chapter 7. Law and Social Control Introduction Class Domination Subtypes Within Legal Control Social Control: Three Basic Forms The Sanction Continuum More on Legal Control Collegial Formations and Authoritarian Drift Conclusion Notes Chapter 8. Hunting and Forest Laws Introduction Forests: A Brief History Law and Public Policy Forest Fires and Forest Policy Radical Environmentalism Notes Chapter 9. Are Judges Biased? Introduction Research Evidence on the Question of Judicial Independence Justice Stevens and Six Constitutional Amendments Notes Chapter 10. Law School and the Legal Profession Introduction Historical Antecedents to the Law School The Idea of a Profession Applying to Law School The Goals of Law Schools Passing the Bar The Changing Composition of Law School Professional Ethics First-Year Law Training: The Socratic Method Conclusion Notes List of Legal Cases References Index

The benefits of [this book] are the excellent and contemporary coverage of different types of law (especially problem-solving courts), critical themes including a separate chapter on law and equality, and the focus on the important interrelations between legal and political (state) institutions. The case studies in the chapters are interesting, contemporary, and highly relevant. Further, the future of law and trends is put in historical context and projected to the future. This is highly beneficial for students to be able to get exposed and see demonstrated theoretical and analytical tools, their application, and most importantly, their utility. -- Sanjay Marwah

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