Introduction Context Code First or Meaning First Tools in Your Teaching Toolbox Audience Section I. Understanding the Reading Process Chapter 1. Creating Meaning With Print: The Neurocognitive Model Understanding Reading Reading: A Neurological Perspective The Neurocognitive Process Last Word Chapter 2. Eye Movement and Neural Pathways Eye Movement During Reading Understanding Our Learning Organ Last Word Chapter 3. Understanding Reading From a Cognitive Perspective The Difference Between Brain and Mind The Information Processing Model The Two-Way Flow of Information Last Word Section II. Diagnosing Reading Problems, Documenting Progress, and Planning Instruction Chapter 4. Diagnosis and Documentation Diagnosing the Problem Graded Word Lists Graded Reading Passages Assessing Comprehension Putting It Together Last Word Chapter 5. Reading Lessons SRE Lesson Guided Reading Lesson Shared Reading Lesson Last Word Section III. 10 Instructional Elements Chapter 6. 10 Elements of Reading Instruction No Magical Programs Comprehensive Reading Instruction Teaching Reading With the Brain in Mind Last Word Chapter 7. Emergent Literacy: Concepts of Print and Phonemic Awareness Approaches to Early Literacy Instruction Creating the Conditions for Early Literacy Learning Concepts of Print Phonemic-Phonics Hybrid Activities Last Word Chapter 8. Emotions and Motivation Emotions The Value-Expectancy Theory of Motivation Some Basic Strategies Last Word Chapter 9. Literature and Instructional Approaches Strategies for Promoting Voluntary Reading Instructional Approaches Last Word Chapter 10. Phonics Fawnix 14 Strategies Last Word Appendix: Phonics Checklist Chapter 11. Strategies for Developing Word Identification Skills Terms and Concepts Related to Word Identification Context Clues: The Semantic Cueing System Word Order and Grammar: The Syntactic-Cueing System Word Parts Morphemic Analysis Sight Words Last Word Chapter 12. Fluency Reading Fluency Neural Pathways and Networks Strategies for Enhancing Reading Fluency Avoid Round-Robin Reading Last Word Chapter 13. Comprehension of Narrative Text Comprehension Basics Teaching Tips Activities Organized by Cognitive Process Last Word Chapter 14. Comprehension of Expository Text Expository Text Teacher Pre-Reading Strategies Study-Skill Strategies Pedagogical Strategies to Develop Cognitive Processes Related to Comprehension Last Word Chapter 15. Vocabulary Attending to Vocabulary General Principles for Developing Students' Vocabulary Strategies for Developing Students' Vocabulary Visual Displays and Graphic Organizers Last Word About Words Chapter 16. Writing The Why and How of Writing Specific Strategies Last Word Epilogue
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Andy Johnson has written a unique professional text, unique because this may be the first American book to discuss reading difficulties from a top-down perspective. What Johnson does, quite eloquently, is to argue the limitations of the bottom-up perspective for developing readers. On the other hand, Johnson presents the research supporting a top-down perspective, especially for developing readers who read with understanding. He doesn't argue against developing student decoding proficiencies as much as he argues for a far more contextualized approach in the development of this aspect of emergent literacy and for a much more important role for student self-selection of texts and for the engagement of students in wide reading. His arguments are clear and his writing is easy to read. His suggestions for instruction are research-based and cover early literacy development quite completely. Primary grade teachers, especially, will love this book, and rightfully so. -- Dick Allington, Professor of Education "As an educator with 30 years' experience as a reading specialist and learning disabilities teacher, I recommend this book as a resource that pulls together divergent ideas about reading, and weaves them together in a way that makes sense." -- Joan Whoolery, Reading Specialist "It has become fashionable in recent years to view the teaching of reading as being as simple as getting children to sound out words. This is understandable. When we look at a page we see words made of out of letters, so it's easy to think that that's all there is to it. And for legislators and publishers this is an attractive proposition. The fundamental job of teaching children to read becomes something simple, logical, easy to measure, and of course easy to explain to parents. However, a closer look at what really goes on when we read soon tells us that the story is deeper, more beautiful, and more complex. Those words refuse to play ball (try "give" and "hive") and when we read we don't actually look at every letter in every word--far from it. Professor Johnson tells the story of reading in a logical and clear manner with a book that is excellently researched, immaculately referenced, and full of practical tips for the practitioner." -- Terry Bernstein, (London Borough of Barnet) and former Senior Literacy Difficulties Specialist "This book for teachers who want to help their struggling students learn to read and write includes classroom-tested reading and writing strategies and activities that students will enjoy and practice. Creating the conditions for student success is all spelled out in this book." -- Paul Wickham "This is the text I wish I had when I began to teach. Dr. Johnson clearly illustrates the process our brain uses to create meaning from text. He suggests reading teachers need to de-emphasize phonics and use activities that ask the student to also use semantic and syntactical cues. The text includes ten chapters of instructional elements with tons of activities to increase motivation, phonic awareness, and fluency." -- Marty Duncan, Ed.D., educator, author, former teacher and superintendent