Personality Psychology 2/e


A Student-Centered Approach

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By James (Jim) A. McMartin
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Jim McMartin is Emeritus Professor of Psychology, California State University, Northridge. He began his career as a Research Associate at the Institute for Developmental Studies in New York City. He helped to collect and analyze seminal data showing the academic benefits of pre-school experiences. The data from this well-controlled field experiment, as well as replicated findings from similar research programs across the United States, led to federal funding for the Head Start Program. He earned degrees in psychology from Fordham University (B.S.), Brooklyn College (M.A.), and the University of Minnesota (Ph.D.). He has published in such journals as the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Human Relations, Sociometry, among others, as well as invited articles for the International Encyclopedia of Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychoanalysis, and Neurology. He lives in Camarillo, California, with his wife, Rory Ann, who created the illustrations throughout this book, as faithful servants to our fine feline, Samantha, a.k.a. She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed.

Part I: Basic Issues in Personaility Psychology Chapter 1: Using Theory and Research to Understand Personality Basic Questions about Theories Five Personality Theories Chapter 2: Research Methods and Personality Assessment Research Methods Personality Assessment Ethical Issues In Research And Assessment Summing Up: How Should I Interpret My Score On A Personality Test? Part II: My Past Self Chapter 3: Genetic and Temperamental Influences Behavioral Genetics: The Seeds of Personality Temperament Chapter 4: Cultivating Personality Ingredient #1: Parenting Styles Ingredient #2: Attachment Ingredient #3: Identification Part III: My Present Self Chapter 5: Identity and Self- Esteem Introduction Psychosocial Theory Of Identity Humanistic/Narrative Approaches To Identity And Self-Esteem Single-Variable Research Programs Chapter 6: Needs, Motives, and Goals Alfred Adler's Fundamental Human Motive Three Humanistic Approaches to Motivation Evolutionary Psychology's View Of Motivation Dispositional Approaches To Motivation Cognitive Approaches To Motivation Chapter 7: Stress And Coping Interpretational Approaches Dispositional Approaches Psychodynamic Approaches Positive Psychology And Coping Chapter 8: Disorders Of Personality What Is A Personality Disorder? Thinking About Personality Disorders: Syndromes or Dimensions? Ten Personality Disorders Syndromes Vs. Dimensions: Strengths And Weaknesses Sources For Diagnosis Personality Disorders Over The Life Span Part IV: My Future Self Chapter 9: Expectations, Plans, And Self- Regulation The Psychology Of Personal Constructs Expectancies And Internal Working Models Self-Regulation: Threats And Theories Chapter 10: Continuity And Change Over The Life Course Personality Stability And Change Levels Of Personality Humanistic And Existential Approaches Psychodynamic Approaches to Continuity and Change

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