Minorities and Representation in American Politics


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By Rebekah L. Herrick
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Chapter 1: Minorities and Representation Who Are Minorities?: Race as a Category Who Are Minorities?: Ethnicity as a Category Who Are Minorities?: Gender and Sexual Minorities Representation Overview of the Book Conclusion: Similarities, Differences, and Intersectionality in Representation Chapter 2: Descriptive Representation and Minorities: Legislatures and Other Elective Offices Levels of Descriptive Representation in Legislatures Levels of Descriptive Representation in Executive Positions What Affects Levels of Descriptive Representation? Descriptive Representation is Not Sufficient Conclusion: Similarities, Differences, and Intersectionality Chapter 3: Minorities and Formalistic Representation: Laws, Institutional Design, and Elections Formal Representation and the Right to Vote Electoral Systems Institutional Design The Fourteenth Amendment Conclusion: Similarities, Differences, and Intersectionality Chapter 4: Policy Representation and Minorities in Legislatures Key Minority Policy Interests Does Descriptive Representation Lead to Substantive Representation? What Affects Policy Representation? Initiative and Referenda Effects on Minority Interests Demonstration Casework/Constituency Services and Pork Barreling by Minority Legislators Conclusion: Similarities and Differences in Policy Representation Chapter 5: Minorities and Symbolic Representation Measuring Minorities' Attitudes Levels of Symbolic Representation What Affects the Symbolic Representation of Minorities? Symbolic Legislation: Representing Minorities through Symbolic Actions Conclusion: Decreasing Gaps in Symbolic Representation Chapter 6: Minority Representation and the Judicial Branch The Court Systems Descriptive Representation: The Numbers Game What Affects Descriptive Representation in the Judicial Branch? Descriptive and Substantive Representation on the Courts Key Court Cases Conclusion: Improving Descriptive Representation but Mixed Record of Courts' Protection of Minorities Chapter 7: Representative Bureaucracy The Influence of Bureaucrats on Policy Level of Passive Representation What Affects Passive Representation? The Effects of Passive Representation on Active Representation Conclusion: Similarities and Differences in Minority Representation in the Bureaucracy Chapter 8: Public Opinion and Minority Interests Attitudes Toward Racial and Ethnic Minorities Attitudes Toward Women Attitudes Toward LGBT Persons Attitudes Toward Affirmative Action Attitudes Toward LGBT Issues Attitudes Toward Abortion Attitudes Toward Immigration Social Desirability Biases in Surveys Influences on Americans' Attitudes Toward Minority Interests Conclusion: Varied but Increasing Acceptance of Minorities and Their Issues Chapter 9: Minority Groups and Political Resources Size and Distribution of Minority Populations The Voting Eligibility of American Minorities The Socioeconomic Status of Minorities The Civic Engagement of Minorities Conclusion: Variation among Groups in Their Resources Chapter 10: Acculturation, Group Consciousness, and Cohesion among Individuals with Shared Minority Status Acculturation: The Extent to Which Minorities Are Part of the Dominant Culture Group Consciousness: The Extent to Which Minorities See Group Status as Politically Important Group Cohesion: Level of Shared Beliefs, Values, and Attitudes among Individual Minorities Variation by Nationality Effects of Acculturation and Group Consciousness on Voting Cohesion Conclusion: Similarities, Differences, and Intersectionality among Minority Individuals Chapter 11: Minorities and Political Participation The Vote Other Forms of Political Participation Explaining Political Participation The Impact of the Minority Vote Efforts to Reach Minority Voters Conclusion: Increased Participation and Power but Differences Remain among Groups Chapter 12: Minority Movements and Interest Groups The Civil Rights Movement The Chicano Movement The American Indian Movement The Asian American Movement Women's Movements The LGBT Movement Social Movement Theories Interest Groups Conclusion: Much Change since the 1950s Chapter 13: Multiminority Coalitions and the Future of Minority Representation Multiminority Coalitions Views of the Masses Coalitions among Elites The Future: Trends in Representation Minorities of the Future (Past and Present) Final Thoughts: Should Minorities Be Lumped Together or Split into Different Groups?

"Minorities and Representation in American Politics is the most comprehensive treatment of minorities in politics that I have ever read. Herrick is able to cover multiple minority groups and does it in a fashion that does not neglect any of the relevant points that need to be addressed in a book of this kind. The scope of the text is sweeping, and it has no rival on the market." -- Brian Frederick "Minorities and Representation in American Politics comprehensively integrates discussion of race, gender, ethnicity, and intersectionality. In doing so, it facilitates the comparison and contrast of experiences of minority statuses far more effectively than other textbooks. The representational lens through which the text explores minorities in politics nicely ties together the different groups and themes, and Herrick does a great job of introducing relevant empirical research from inside and outside of political science." -- Ewa Golebiowska "Rebekah Herrick is able to highlight many interesting facets of the minority experience without overwhelming the reader. It is hard for me to believe that there is any other book out there that provides such a detailed, thoughtful analysis as Minorities and Representation in American Politics." -- Eduardo Magalaes "Herrick's text provides a comprehensive examination of the distinctive minority groups within the U.S. political system and brilliantly navigates the intersectionality of gender and race/ethnicity with representation. While the book addresses many fundamental topics of minorities and covers a wide spectrum of the political institutions and behavioral aspects of representation in the United States, it also captures much of the recent scholarly debate and research in a way that remains accessible to the undergraduate." -- Karen Owen

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