Dr. Steven G. Rogelberg holds the title of Chancellor's Professor at UNC Charlotte for distinguished national, international, and interdisciplinary contributions. He is a Professor of Organizational Science, Management, and Psychology as well as the Director of Organizational Science. He has over 100 publications and over 100 invited speeches/colloquiums addressing issues such as team effectiveness, leadership, engagement, health and employee well-being, meetings at work, and organizational research methods.
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"The second edition of SAGE's Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology provides an excellent update to 2006's first edition... The encyclopedia now includes 550 articles in four volumes of work and remains appropriate for experts and students alike... The encyclopedia would be suitable for a wide variety of readers, ranging from PhD level academics to undergraduate and graduate students as well as practitioners and lay audiences seeking an introduction to I-O psychology topics." -- A. Hauser * ARBA * "Rogelberg addresses virtually every topic relevant to industrial and organizational (I/O) psychologists, who study workplace-related topics such as productivity and employee morale...Suitable for psychology collections and students in MA or Ph.D. programs in I/O psychology." -- C. Ury * Library Journal * This updated, expanded edition replaces the 2006 edition edited by Rogelberg (Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte). The new four-volume set contains approximately 550 articles in four volumes, filling nearly 2,000 pages, versus the previous edition's approximately 300 articles in two volumes...The SAGE encyclopedia is superbly geared to students in a range of paraprofessional programs, undergraduates, and graduate students seeking to understand basic concepts in these fast-growing fields of study. Researchers and practitioners will benefit as well from the updated materials. Summing Up: Essential. Community college students through professionals/practitioners. -- M. Sylvia * CHOICE *