Stephen Martin Kohn is one of the leading whistleblower attorneys in the United States and is the Executive Director of the National Whistleblower Center. Since 1984 he has successfully represented numerous nationally recognized whistleblowers. He is regularly consulted by House and Senate leaders for help in drafting whistleblower protection laws. He is the author of several legal books on the subject. For more information, see
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"You may want to add this book to your . . . wishlist. Just don't let your boss catch you reading it." --Wall Street Journal "It's vastly shrewd and practical, but it also offers an astute long view of American whistle-blowing. Author Stephen Martin Kohn knows about precedents: He's one of the lawyers who helped procure the biggest whistle-blower reward ever. It went to Bradley Birkenfeld for unveiling the fraud of Switzerland's UBS Bank, which illegally met with rich Yanks trying to hide their money overseas. Birkenfeld got $104 million as compensation from the IRS's whistle-blower program." --Boston Globe "Whistleblowers should do two things: call us at 60 Minutes and read 'The Whistleblower's Handbook.' Its 21 rules lay out the game plan for holding institutions accountable while protecting your job." --Michael Radutzky, Senior Producer 60 Minutes "As a whistleblower who has successfully won a case against the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), I can attest to the fact that this is the definitive Bible for whistleblowers. Written by Stephen Kohn, the premiere whistleblower attorney in the United States, this handbook contains everything you will need to know about blowing the whistle, and surviving." --Jane Turner, FBI Whistleblower and 25 year veteran agent "In a mix of anecdote, legal history, compendium of relevant laws, and practical handbook, Stephen Kohn . . . steer[s] both would-be whistleblowers and corporate compliance officers through what he calls a 'labyrinth.' [He] is well-placed to serve as guide. . . . The book shows how far whistleblower legislation has globalised . . . [and] shines is in setting out the current, highly complex, legal structure." --Financial Times "It is time that "situational" knowledge within the whistleblowing environment is released to remove the "chill" on employees, to protect the public trust, and to ensure that "truth" and "integrity" among the private and public entities supporting the government are never an OPTION, but an OBLIGATION! I surely hope this gets to all workers who have committed themselves to making a difference wherever they work." --Bunnatine Greenhouse, Army Corps of Engineers Whistleblower "Steve has written a first-rate handbook for workers who have witnessed egregious examples of waste, fraud or abuse which they know should be reported to the authorities but who are afraid of losing their jobs if they do. The handbook tells them of the many laws and services available to them, which if understood and used intelligently, can not only protect a whistleblower from losing his job, but can even led to cash rewards under some circumstances." --William Sanjour, EPA Whistleblower "'The Whistleblower's Handbook' opens a window into the controversial but vital role of whistleblowers in America's workplace dating from the days of the Civil War. With compelling insider details, practical "rules" and rare insights, Stephen Kohn, the country's leading whistleblower expert, has created the essential overview for CEO's, CFO's, GC's, chief compliance officers, HR and audit professionals, and others who should be knowledgeable about this fundamental aspect of corporate life." --Donna Boehme, former Group Compliance and Ethics Officer, BP plc, and Principal, Compliance Strategists LLC "As the courageous whistleblower who faced fierce opposition and exposed the largest tax scandal in US history . . . this invaluable reference guide will help any future whistleblower navigate the treacherous international waters of ensuring what is done is done 100% right." --Brad Birkenfeld, UBS Whistleblower "Finally -- the "how-to" guide for whisteblowers. This is a much-needed step-by-step explanation for anyone thinking about speaking out against fraud and corruption. Whistleblowers will avoid a lot of tears from the book's checklists and do's and don'ts. Written in clear and understandable language this book should be in the bottom drawer of anyone thinking about blowing the whistle -- and on the desk for managers who want to improve compliance." --Dean Zerbe, columnist, National Managing Director of AlliantGroup, LP "Steve Kohn's book 'The Whistleblower's Handbook' provides a great service to current and would-be whistleblowers and to our citizenry by providing a comprehensive guide to exposing waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in both the private and public sectors. It effectively acts as a compass and detailed avoidance map to help navigate whistleblowers through the retaliatory minefields they may already have entered, or will soon face. --Russ Tice, Former Intelligence Officer, (NSA) National Security Agency "Written by the foremost authority on the subject, 'The Whistleblower's Handbook' is extraordinarily user-friendly and extremely easy to read. Every worker bears a responsibility to guard the public interest. Like no other resource, this book places the power of the law squarely in the hands of America's workforce." --David L. Lewis, Ph.D., EPA Whistleblower "Based on the complex and illogical array of whistleblower legislation, it is astounding that anyone undertakes to do the right thing and report malfeasance to the authorities. Yet, Stephen Kohn has written an inspiring and optimistic report on the state of whistle flowing in the US and guides us through the complexities of risking our own comfort by blowing the whistle in 21 rules. "'The Whistleblower's Handbook' is replete with compelling and little-known stories alongside the more typical, highly-publicized tabloid fodder. A particularly sobering account of whistleblowers in the earliest days of our republic and the moral imperative that protected them will make readers yearn for a way to protect ourselves in the same way as the Founding Fathers protected a group of seamen during the Revolution. The wise reader will pay heed to Kohn's short list of rules when performing her moral duty. - Gina Vega, Professor of Management at the Bertolon School of Business, Salem State University, Author of "Moral Courage in Organizations: Doing the Right Thing at Work" "This book highlights citizen empowerment and true grassroots democracy in action. As a whistleblower, I know the power of speaking the truth and the unfortunate consequences for those who do. Every American should read this book." - Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, Founder of No FEAR Coalition "As a National Security whistleblower, I am very familiar with the plight of those who dare to expose corruption, fraud, waste and abuse...I am more than certain that "The Whistleblower's Handbook" will help countless whistleblowers navigate the horrifying maze of the legal system. This book is a step-by-step guide to understanding the process and arming yourself with the knowledge essential to prevailing in your case. I only wish I've had access to this priceless publication even sooner! This is a must-read for every current or potential whistleblower." - Julia Davis, Department of Homeland Security Whistleblower