Stella Adler towers high among the memorable acting teachers in American theatre. Her methods of training, her principles of acting and character interpretation, and her analyses of the seminal plays of the modern theatre comprise a legacy for everyone who followed her. Acting with Adler looks at that legacy through the particular immediacy and authenticity of her own spoken words. Over three years in the 1970s, author Joanna Rotte worked under the direction of Adler as a student and actor, all the while taking copious notes that form the heart of this book. Rotte's recounting of her time with Adler reveals a teacher speaking about her principles in a tough-minded, demanding manner, inspired by her overriding conviction that an actor "becomes bigger through working." This new edition of Rotte's acclaimed text includes an entirely new foreword from Isaac Butler, author of The Method; a preface that places Adler more fully in her historical context; and an afterword that reflects on Adler's philosophical and practical contributions, considering what her teachings have to offer performers working today.