Having made his debut with Dimes Square as a satirist of the self-chronicling generation, Matthew Gasda has deepened and complexified his approach to drama with Zoomers-a collection that goes beyond cataloguing the comic misadventures of millennial grifters to touch on subtler themes and more mature tones. His characters now are not merely breaking with tradition, brashly, but find themselves poignantly broken as well. These new plays, which still capture the tumultuous absurdity of our present moment while expanding Gasda's purview across generations and scenarios, ask new questions: What happens after the party's over, after talent is celebrated, envied, mocked, and memed? Where do you go from there? This collection features four of Gasda's newest and most penetrating works: Zoomers ("Gasda goes full Warhol with his art ... The result is a play filled with humorous moments that feel real."-New York Times), Afters (the "sequel" to Dimes Square), One-Winged Dove, and Morning Journal.