Human Behavior Theory for Social Work Practice


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By Terry L. (Lea) Koenig, Richard (Rick) N. Spano, John B. Thompson
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Terry L. Koenig, PhD, LSCSW, professor, School of Social Welfare, University of Kansas, teaches human behavior theory, ethics, social work philosophy, and qualitative research methods. Sparked by relationships with her Kazakh daughter-in-law and grandchildren, she pursued a Fulbright scholarship to Kazakhstan in 2011 where she taught social policy with social work students on the Siberian steppe. Dr. Koenig's scholarship examines ethical decision-making and cross-cultural aspects of social work practice. In addition, she has developed and supported a cross-cultural social work course between the School of Social Welfare and social work faculty at the Universita del Sacro Cuore in Milan, Italy. Rick Spano, PhD, LSCSW, Professor Emeritus, School of Social Welfare, University of Kansas, has taught social work policy, practice, ethics, and social work history and philosophy for nearly five decades. He developed and supported bilingual and comparative studies social work courses between the School of Social Welfare and Escuela de Trabajo Social, University of Costa Rica. In addition, Dr. Spano's practice experience includes extensive work in foster care, and he maintains a private practice where he uses a family systems approach to treat sexual abuse of children and adults. He remains active in developing and presenting materials on social work ethics. John B. Thompson, PhD, MSW, MA, MATS, is associate professor at the School of Social Work, St. Ambrose University. Dr. Thompson's interests, scholarship, and teaching are interdisciplinary, bringing together wisdom from Christian theology, philosophy, and the social sciences. His courses focus on understanding human behavior and addressing multiple social issues such as mental illness, the opioid crisis, environmental degradation and mass homicide. Publications include work on the intersection of theology and psychiatry, pragmatism and social work, and a book on Christian theology and social justice (in process).

Preface About the Authors Acknowledgments Chapter 1 * Introduction to Theory and Its Application to Social Work Practice How This Book Is Organized Chapter Summaries What Is Theory? Theory and Science Does Theory Really Matter? Theory Myth Busters The Interactive Abstract/Concrete Continuum Meta-Theories as Overarching Theories: Their Contributions to Practice References Chapter 2 * Critique of Theory for Use in Social Work Practice What Does This Theory Say About Human Behavior? How Does This Theory Address Growth and Change? How Holistic Is This Theory? How Consistent Is This Theory With Social Work Values and Ethics? What Are the Sources of Knowledge That Support This Theory? Chapter Summary References Chapter 3 * Contextualizing Human Behavior Theory Rationale for the Chapter Assumptions Regarding Our Discussion of HBSE Theories and Their Connection to Practice Defining Historical Context Application of Historical Context Framework Historical Context Questions Applied to the Late 1800s to 1920 Chapter Summary Classroom Exercise: Analyzing Current Events References Chapter 4 * Critical Theories Critical Theories and Their Roots in Marxism Broad and Narrow Definitions of Critical Theory Key Themes in Critical Theory and Its Development Critical Theory in the 20th Century: Feminist Criticism and Critical Race Theory In-Depth Paulo Freire (1921-1997) Theory Critique Application of Critical Theories to Social Work Environmental Conditions Classroom Exercises: The Application of Critical Theory to Social Work Practice Examples Chapter Summary References Chapter 5 * Psychodynamic Theory Brief Introduction to Freudian Ideas Key Conceptual Elements of Freud Psychodynamic Theories' Early Influences on Social Work Practice Extensions of Psychodynamic Theory Ego Psychology More Current Developments In-Depth: Otto Rank Theory Critique Application of Psychodynamic Theory The Application of Psychodynamic Theory to Case Examples Connections to Usefulness in Practice Chapter Summary Classroom Exercises References Chapter 6 * Systems Theories Introduction to Systems Theories In-Depth Exploration of Systems Theories as Applied to Social Work Practice Social Work Frame of Reference Based on Systems Theory Current Conceptualization of the Life Model Theory Critique Application of the Life Model to Social Work Practice: Eco-Maps, Genograms, and Beyond Chapter Summary Classroom Exercises References Chapter 7 * Environmental and Ecological Theory in Social Work Connecting Social Work With the Natural Environment Is Environmental Thought New? Environmental Ethics In-Depth: Arne Naess and Deep Ecology Critique of Environmental and Ecological Theory Social Work's Historical Relationship With the Natural Environment Social Work and the Natural Environment: Current Developments Summary of Social Work and the Natural Environment Chapter Summary Classroom Exercises References Chapter 8 * Life Span Theories, Family Life Course Perspectives, and Historical Trauma Overview of Life Span Theories Advances Beyond Erikson In-Depth: Maria Yellow Horse Brave Heart and Venida S. Chenault Critique of Life Span Theories and Beyond Introduction to Social Work's Understanding of Life Span Theory Chapter Summary References Chapter 9 * Symbolic Interactionism Overview and In-Depth Examination of George H. Mead Critique of Symbolic Interactionism Application of Symbolic Interactionism Theory to Social Work Practice Chapter Summary References Chapter 10 * Behavior Theory, the Cognitive Turn, and the Influence of Mindfulness Introduction and History of Behaviorism Behavior Theory and Three Generations of Behavior Therapy The Cognitive Turn and the First Generation of Behavior Therapies Cognition and Second-Generation Behavior Therapies Third-Generation Behavior Therapies In-Depth: Mindfulness East and West Critique of Behavior Theory and Behavior Therapies Application of Behaviorism to Social Work Practice Chapter Summary References Chapter 11 * Theories of Culture and White Privilege Critical Consciousness for Ourselves and Our Clients White Privilege and White Identity Development Helms's White Identity Development Model Praxis as Action-Awareness-Reflection-Dialogue In-Depth Theorist: Kimberle Crenshaw and Intersectionality Critique of Theories of Culture, White Privilege, Diversity, and Intersectionality Application and Development of Diversity in Social Work Practice Exercises Chapter Summary References Chapter 12 * Empowerment Theory and the Strengths Perspective Historical Context for Empowerment Theory Key Themes in Empowerment Theory Positive Psychology Applied Positive Psychology Concerns About Positive Psychology In-Depth Theorists for the Strengths Perspective Critique of Empowerment Theory and the Strengths Perspective Application of the Strengths Perspective Classroom Exercise Chapter Summary References Chapter 13 * Cognitive and Moral Development Theories Piaget and Cognitive Development From Cognitive to Moral Development Theory The Emergence of Kohlberg's Moral Development Theory Public Education as the Just Community Extensions From Piaget and Kohlberg Current Trends in Moral Development In-Depth: Carol Gilligan and Women's Moral Development The First Perspective The Second Perspective The Third Perspective Adolescent Girls and Authenticity Critique of Cognitive and Moral Development Theories Application of Cognitive and Moral Development Theories to Social Work Practice Chapter Summary References Glossary Index

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