Text Structures From the Masters

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781506311265

50 Lessons and Nonfiction Mentor Texts to Help Students Write Their Way In and Read Their Way Out of Every Single Imaginable Genre, Grades 6-10

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By Gretchen Bernabei, Jennifer L. Koppe
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A popular workshop presenter and winner of NCTE's James Moffett Award in 2010, Gretchen Bernabei has been teaching kids to write in middle school and high school classrooms for more than thirty years. In addition to four other professional books and numerous articles for NCTE journals, she is the author of National Geographic School Publications' The Good Writer's Kit, as well as Lightning in a Bottle, a CD of visual writing prompts.

Foreword by Tom Newkirk Introduction Acknowledgments Lesson 1 Structure: Stepping Up to a New Role Source Document: Hippocratic Oath, 400 BCE Lesson 2 Structure: Can't We Just Get Along? Source Document: Speech to Captain John Smith, Chief Powhatan, 1609 Lesson 3 Structure: Team Promise Source Document: Mayflower Compact, 1620 Lesson 4 Structure: Humble Request for Help Source Document: Plymouth Plantation, 1624 Lesson 5 Structure: No, Thank You Source Document: Letter to William and Mary College, The Indians of the Six Nations, 1744 Lesson 6 Structure: Lighting a Fire Under a Procrastinator Source Document: Speech, Patrick Henry, 1775 Lesson 7 Structure: How Bullying Works Source Document: "Journal of a Lady of Quality," Janet Schaw, 1775 Lesson 8 Structure: Problem-Solution Message Source Document: Declaration of Independence, 1776 Lesson 9 Structure: Time for a Real Solution Source Document: Common Sense (Excerpts), Thomas Paine, 1776 Lesson 10 Structure: Letter From Home Source Document: Letter to Her Husband John Adams, Abigail Adams, 1776 Lesson 11 Structure: How Bad Is It? (A Description) Source Document: Letter to George Washington, Benjamin Rush, 1777 Lesson 12 Structure: Reprimanding a Group Source Document: Speech to Angry Officers, General George Washington, 1783 Lesson 13 Structure: Purposes of an Action Source Document: Preamble to the Constitution, 1787 Lesson 14 Structure: Charm Check Source Document: "The Star Spangled Banner," Francis Scott Key, 1814 Lesson 15 Structure: S.O.S. Source Document: "Victory or Death" Letter From the Alamo, William B. Travis, 1836 Lesson 16 Structure: Sightseeing Source Document: "Observations on a Steamboat Between Pittsburg and Cincinnati," American Notes, Charles Dickens, 1842 Lesson 17 Structure: Tour of an Unfamiliar Place Source Document: "Factory Life," Labor Reformer, 1846 Lesson 18 Structure: Breaking Into a Heated Argument Source Document: "Ain't I a Woman?" Speech, Sojourner Truth, 1851 Lesson 19 Structure: Controversial Decision Source Document: Emancipation Proclamation, Abraham Lincoln, 1862 Lesson 20 Structure: At the Moment of a Milestone Source Document: Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln, 1863 Lesson 21 Structure: We're Both Wrong; We're Both Right Source Document: Second Inaugural Address, Abraham Lincoln, 1865 Lesson 22 Structure: Letter to an Author Source Document: Letter to Harriet Beecher Stowe, Frederick Douglass, 1868 Lesson 23 Structure: Fighting Unfairness With Logic Source Document: "Women's Rights to the Suffrage" Speech, Susan B. Anthony, 1873 Lesson 24 Structure: Valuable Advice Source Document: "Advice to Youth" Speech, Mark Twain, 1882 Lesson 25 Structure: Comforting a Friend in Pain Source Document: Letter to a Friend, Henry James, 1883 Lesson 26 Structure: I Want More (While I Have the Chance) Source Document: Letter to Professor Baird, William G. Hornaday Lesson 27 Structure: First Earnings Source Document: Hard Times Cotton Mill Girls (Excerpt), Bertha Miller, b. 1890 Lesson 28 Structure: My Symbol Source Document: The Pledge of Allegiance, 1892 Lesson 29 Structure: Narrative: Just the Facts Source Document: On Lynchings (Excerpt), Ida B. Wells-Barnett, 1895 Lesson 30 Structure: Letter of Recommendation Source Document: Letter to Jessie Gladden, Clara Barton, 1898 Lesson 31 Structure: Why Something Goes Viral Source Document: "A Modern Day Devil Baby" (American Journal of Sociology, 20(1), (117-118), Jane Addams, 1914 Lesson 32 Structure: Understanding the Scars of Our Elders Source Document: "Remembering Slavery" (Excerpt), Tonea Stewart, 1930 Lesson 33 Structure: Objects of Affection Source Document: "The Pleasure of Books," William Lyon Phelps, 1933 Lesson 34 Structure: True or False? Neither Source Document: Letter From Phyllis, Albert Einstein, 1936 Lesson 35 Structure: How an Experience Changed Me Source Document: It's a Great Life, Robert L. Miller, 1937 Lesson 36 Structure: A Bad Situation a Lot of Us Are In Source Document: "I'd Rather Not Be on Relief," Lester Hunter Song, 1938 Lesson 37 Structure: Picking Up the Pieces Source Document: Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1941 Lesson 38 Structure: Heads Up From Your Wingman Source Document: Letter to Her Husband, Eleanor Rooseevelt, circa WWII Lesson 39 Structure: What Do I Mean? Well . . . Source Document: "I Love You" Letter, Ayn Rand, 1948 Lesson 40 Structure: My Advice About Your Strong Feeling Source Document: Letter to His Son Thom, John Steinbeck, 1958 Lesson 41 Structure: Pep Talk Source Document: Inaugural Address, John F. Kennedy, 1961 Lesson 42 Structure: Memory Reflection Source Document: Black Like Me (Excerpt), John Howard Griffin, 1961 Lesson 43 Structure: Parting Advice to Your Replacement Source Document: "Duty, Honor, Country," General Douglas MacArthur, 1962 Lesson 44 Structure: Bon Voyage Source Document: Letter to His Astronaut Son, Scott Carpenter, 1962 Lesson 45 Structure: I Feel Your Pain Source Document: "Ich bin ein Berliner" Speech, John F. Kennedy, 1963 Lesson 46 Structure: Flashpoint Moment of Truth Source Document: "And We Shall Overcome" Special Message to Congress (Excerpt), Lyndon B. Johnson, 1965 Lesson 47 Structure: Walking the Walk to Make a Difference Source Document: "Lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.," Cesar Chavez, 1990 Lesson 48 Structure: Using a Story to Make a Point Source Document: Nobel Lecture (Abridged), Toni Morrison, 1993 Lesson 49 Structure: New Perspectives From a Photo Source Document: "Pale Blue Dot" Speech, Carl Sagan, 1996 Lesson 50 Structure: So You'll Know Me After I'm Gone Source Document: Letter to My Sons (Preface), Lieutenant Colonel Mark Weber, 2012 Appendices 1. Complete Collection of 50 Text Structures 2. Text Structures Useful as Promises to Others 3. Text Structures of Our Identity 4. Text Structures for Travel 5. Text Structures for Important Moments 6. Text Structures for Desperation 7. Text Structures Useful as Persuasion About Some Needed Change 8. Text Structures Useful for Bad Times 9. Text Structures for Times of Conflict 10. More Ways to Use the Lessons in an English Language Arts Classroom 11. More Ways to Use the Lessons for Academic Play in a Social Studies or History Classroom 12. Character Project Assignment and Tracking Sheet

"Text Structures From the Masters is a good investment! It will become a valuable resource for teachers of English and/or social studies since the lessons may be used for both writing or reading." - -- Anne Anderson "[Text Structures from the Masters] contains fifty short texts from famous Americans, identifying them as "Mentor Texts" that, when paired with simple four-page lesson plans, can point the way to more meaningful reading and writing. Contributions by other young writers accompany an invitation to students to learn what topics and approaches excite and inspire them." -- Donovan's Bookshelf

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