Acknowledgments About the Editors Preface: An Introduction to Public Relations Case Studies and Strategy - Burton St. John III and Diana Knott Martinelli Chapter 1. Branding "Amazing Things Happen When You Go West": Raising Visibility, Interest, and Enrollment - Jami Payne Bower and Amber M. K. Smallwood Growing the Pope's Flock - Fred Cook Mississippi, Believe It: Eleven Years and Moving Forward - Jesse McCraw A Strategic View: Public Relations and Tech Startups: A Case of - Anna Klyueva Chapter 2. Community Relations Lights in the Night: Lanterns Make Community Connections - Adrienne A. Wallace Success, Value, Advocacy: Building Awareness for Student Veterans of America on College Campuses - Christie M. Kleinmann The Cleveland Foundation Centennial Campaign - Michael Murphy and Emily Foote-Huth Chapter 3. Integrated Communication The CLOROX (R) Ick Awards - Leslie Schrader, Whitney Press, and Fran Bernhards The Optical Society's Centennial Year Celebration: Reflecting a Century of Innovation - Rebecca B. Andersen and Tracy Schario "Love Is Love" Wedding in Fort Lauderdale - Virginia Sheridan Chapter 4. Financial Communication Tax Amnesty 2015: Act Now. Get Right. Move Forward - Amanda Jo Stanley Building Brand Equity to Attract Investment Dollars in Clean Technology - Arlene Guzman Todd and Kate S. Kurtin The Alcatel-Lucent Shift Plan: A Financial Turnaround Bolstered by Communications - Marisa Baldo, Wendy Zajack Chapter 5. Issue Advocacy Compassion & Choices and Brittany Maynard Help Create New Medical Aid-in-Dying Legislation in California - Heather J. Hether, Sean Crowley, and Toni Broaddus Spreading Awareness of James W. Foley's Legacy - Gemma R. Puglisi Cut the Bait: Stop Overfishing Subsidies - Courtney J. Sakai A Strategic View: Jazz With the Stars: Funding of K-12 Music Celebrated In DC - Mike Fulton Chapter 6. Health Communication Using the Lived Experience as a Powerful Advocacy and Awareness Strategy in Australia - Charles R. Harman and David Meldrum Cedar Valley American Heart Association "Go Red for Women" Special Event - Gayle Pohl and Jeffrey Brand Working With a Difficult Client: Examining the Tensions Experienced While Developing the Halo Syndrome Campaign - Lindsey B. Anderson, Melanie Morgan, Shavonne Shorter, and Brian C. Britt A Strategic View: The Halo Campaign and Building a Positive Client Relationship - Lindsey B. Anderson, Melanie Morgan, Shavonne Shorter, and Brian C. Britt A Strategic View: Donate Life Ohio Campaign: Save a Life. Be a Donor - Michele E. Ewing Chapter 7. Crisis Communication Boosting Pride in the Face of a Downturn in Whitesville, West Virginia - Geah Pressgrove and Julia Daisy Fraustino Regaining Trust Amid a Crisis: Louisiana Office of Tourism and the BP Oil Spill - Dedria Givens-Carroll and John Deveney Transparency in the Midst of a Budget Reduction - Peggy M. Rupprecht A Strategic View: "Hurry Up, Then Wait": Old Dominion University's Crisis Communication Response to Crude Move-In Day Banners - Brendan O'Hallarn and Giovanna M. Genard A Strategic View: Contrasts in a Crisis: Fact-Based Traditional Media Versus Emotion-Laden Social Media in the Midst of an Employee Strike - Maureen Schriner Chapter 8. Further Views In Public Relations Strategy Make 90 Seconds Last a Month: The Story of the 84 Lumber Super Bowl Commercial - Steve Radick One Company's Quest for Quality: From Baldrige to Lean Six Sigma - Koji Fuse, George Bowden Addressing Internal Communication at the U.S. Embassy in Kigali, Rwanda - Bond H. Benton Tenneco Builds Employee Engagement Through Recognition - Keith Burton Beating the "Big Three": Publicizing Fox TV Network's 1987 Debut - Jack Breslin My Press Needs Challenge: Creating a Brand in a Mature Market - Allison Weidhaas A Strategic View: #Whatididinstead: A Social Media Rather Than Social Norms Approach to Curb Teen Drinking - Kimberly Field-Springer A Strategic View: Driving Behavior Change Through Public Relations: How Earned Media Lead Consumer Decision Making About Medicare - Mark Weiner Appendix: Consulting 101 - Robert S. Pritchard and Cylor Spaulding Index