Colleen Cruz is the author of several titles for teachers, including The Unstoppable Writing Teacher, as well as the author of the young adult novel, Border Crossing, a Tomas Rivera Mexican American Children's Book Award Finalist. She was a classroom teacher in general education and inclusive settings before joining the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, where she shares her passion for accessibility, twenty-first century learning, and social justice as the Director of Innovation.
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List of Videos Solutions at a Glance Acknowledgments Introduction: Preparing for Aligned or Complementary Units on Narrative Reading and Writing PART 1: LESSONS FOR GENERATING STORY: ENVISIONING CHARACTERS AND SETTINGS LESSON 1 Writing: Write Our Truest Selves Reading: Characters Offer Clues to Authors' Selves LESSON 2 Writing: Flaws and Quirks for Character Development Reading: Studying Flaws to Seek Deeper Meaning LESSON 3 Writing: Finding Freedom in Familiar Character Types Reading: Identifying Archetypes to Develop Depth of Understanding LESSON 4 Writing: Maps, Photographs, and Songs as Tools for Setting Creation Reading: Connecting Setting to Meaning LESSON 5 Writing: Letting Characters and Settings Lead Us to Story Reading: Following the Path of a Story to Understand Other Elements LESSON 6 Writing: Finding Important Ideas in the Most Personal Piece of Our Lives Reading: Focusing on the Details of a Text to Uncover Bigger Notions LESSON 7 Writing: Studying Places for Stories to Explore Reading: Making the Connection Between Place and an Author's Message LESSON 8 Writing: Revising the Arc to Match the Meaning Reading: Connecting the Shape of the Plot to the Theme FOR DIGITAL CLASSROOMS Writing: Apps and Tools to Help Keep Track of Story Ideas Reading: Reading Stories Digitally Requires Readers to Purposefully Set Themselves up to Reread PART 2: LESSONS FOR DRAFTING A NARRATIVE, FOLLOWING PLOT, AND FINDING SIGNIFICANCE LESSON 9 Writing: Draft Fast to Create Energy Reading: Reading Voluminously to Build Momentum LESSON 10 Writing: Drafting Stand-Alone Scenes Reading: Studying One Scene for Larger Understanding LESSON 11 Writing: Deciding When to Summarize Reading: Summarizing Text to Check for Comprehension LESSON 12 Writing: Research for Personal Writing Reading: Noting When a Writer Uses Research or Artifacts LESSON 13 Writing: Drafting With Truth in Mind, Leaving Space for Facts Reading: Deciphering an Author's Truth and Perspective LESSON 14 Writing: Drafting With Perspective in Mind Reading: Considering the Author's Choice of Perspective and Its Effects LESSON 15 Writing: Research Makes Fiction Believable Reading: Researching Outside a Text Can Open New Interpretations FOR DIGITAL CLASSROOMS Writing: Choosing the Best Platform for Your Story Reading: The Platform Affects the Way You Interact With a Story PART 3: LESSONS FOR REVISING FOR MEANING AND SIGNIFICANCE: ANALYSIS AND CRITIQUE LESSON 16 Writing: Exploring Deeper Meaning in Drafts to Begin Revision Reading: Identifying an Author's Deeper Meaning Through Rereading and Writing LESSON 17 Writing: Compelling Stories Thrive on Conflict Reading: Identifying the Scenes That Point to Conflict in a Story LESSON 18 Writing: Craft Settings That Connect With Characters' Emotions Reading: Noticing a Relationship Between Setting and Character LESSON 19 Writing: Stories Extend and Elaborate on Larger Ideas Reading: Tracking the Weight of a Story LESSON 20 Writing: Increasing Suspense Through Revision Reading: Spotting Moves Authors Use to Build Suspense Helps Readers Make Predictions LESSON 21 Writing: Craft Dialogue to Match Character Personality and Uniqueness Reading: Dialogue Gives Insights Into Characters LESSON 22 Writing: The Narrator's Voice Makes Perspective Clear Reading: The Narrator's Voice Sets up a Reader's Inferences and Interpretations LESSON 23 Writing: Knowing the Significance of a Personal Story Can Help Writers to Foreshadow Reading: Identifying Foreshadowing in a Story to Help Discover Theme FOR DIGITAL CLASSROOMS Writing: Revising Digitally Allows for Powerful Peer Feedback Reading: Other Readers Can Give New Perspectives PART 4: LESSONS FOR PERFECTING THE PROSE AND PURPOSE: DEEP INTERPRETATION LESSON 24 Writing: Designing Beginnings and Endings That Entice and Linger Reading: Savoring Beginnings and Endings LESSON 25 Writing: Fewer Words Can Make More Impact Reading: Considering Words Used and Not Used When Interpreting LESSON 26 Writing: Using Symbolism to Give Readers Direction Reading: Interpreting Symbols in Stories-When Everything Can Have Meaning LESSON 27 Writing: Choosing and Smoothing Tense Reading: Looking to Tense for Meaning LESSON 28 Writing: The Many Purposes of Narrative Paragraphs Reading: Reading Narrative Paragraphs on Surface and Inferential Levels LESSON 29 Writing: Using Tools to Make Smart Spelling Decisions Reading: Knowing an Author Carefully Chooses Words Helps Readers Develop Deeper Understanding LESSON 30 Writing: Making Publishing Decisions Based on the Intended Audience Reading: Judging the Effectiveness of an Author's Decisions FOR DIGITAL CLASSROOMS Writing: Using Digital Tools to Call Attention to Theme Reading: Looking Across Highlights, Bookmarks, and Notes to Help Identify Unifying Themes Resources References and Further Reading Index