CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781506358727

What Matters MOST in Learning, Teaching, and Leading

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By Lyn D. Sharratt
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228.00h x 152.00w

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List of Online Resources List of Acronyms Foreword by John Hattie Preface Acknowledgments About the Author In Memoriam Introduction by Alma Harris PART I. LEARNING Chapter 1. CLARITY: The 14 Parameters: A Learning Framework The Third Teacher: Creating a Collaborative Culture of Learning Introduction to the 14 Parameters Achieve CLARITY Using the 14 Parameters How to Begin Implementing the 14 Parameters A Deliberate Pause to Create CLARITY Chapter 2. CLARITY: Knowing the FACES of Learners Achieving Because They Believe They Can Parameter #1: Shared Beliefs and Understandings Parameter #14: Shared Responsibility and Accountability Putting FACES on the Data Powerful Questions to Get to Know Learners and Learning Parents Are Critical Partners in Knowing Each Learner Parameter #12: Parents and the Community Are Critical Partners in Learning A Deliberate Pause to Create CLARITY Chapter 3. CLARITY: Collaborative Inquiry With Teachers and Leaders Parameter #11: Collaborative Inquiry The Value of Collaborative Inquiry When Do We Inquire Collaboratively? Professional Learning Communities at Work Lead in Order to Learn and Learn in Order to Lead A Deliberate Pause to Create CLARITY PART II. TEACHING Chapter 4. CLARITY in Teaching: Assessment Parameter #3: Quality Assessment Informs Instruction Formative and Summative Assessment Debriefing Each Component of the Assessment Waterfall Chart Learning Walls Capture the Ongoing Assessment Journey A Deliberate Pause to Create CLARITY Chapter 5. CLARITY in Teaching: Instruction Parameter #3: Assessment Informs Instruction and Parameter #13: Cross-Curricular Literacy Connections Literacy Learning Is the Foundation of All Instruction Eight Components of High-Impact Literacy Instruction A Deliberate Pause to Create CLARITY Chapter 6. CLARITY: Processes That Support Collaborative Inquiry With Students Parameter #14: Shared Responsibility and Accountability Collaborative Inquiry With Students Collaborative Inquiry in the Classroom Three Approaches to Student-Led Collaborative Inquiry A Deliberate Pause to Create CLARITY Chapter 7. CLARITY: Using Data for Prevention and Intervention Parameter #6: Case Management Approach Prevention: Data Walls Intervention: Case Management Meetings Parameter #5: Early and Ongoing Intervention A Deliberate Pause to Create CLARITY PART III. LEADING Chapter 8. CLARITY: The Knowledgeable Other-Leading Alongside Parameter #2: The Embedded Knowledgeable Other Six Evidence-Proven Professional Learning Approaches A Deliberate Pause to Create CLARITY Chapter 9. CLARITY: Precision in Leadership Practice Parameter #4: Principals and System Leaders as Lead Learners The Six Dimensions of Leadership The New Sixth Leadership Dimension System Leadership in Action School Leadership in Action Principal Learning Teams Learning Walks and Talks: Leading to Ensure the Growth of All Students A Deliberate Pause to Create CLARITY Conclusion CLARITY: Leadership for the Future The FACES of CLARITY Afterword by Melanie Greenan Glossary of Terms References and Further Reading Index

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