Tonya Ward Singer is the founder of Courageous Literacy LLC, an organization that helps K-12 educators advance literacy and language learning in culturally and linguistically rich schools. Teachers and administrators describe Tonya's work as groundbreaking, dynamic, practical, relevant, and impactful. Tonya is the author of bestsellers EL Excellence Every Day and Opening Doors to Equity. She co-authored Breaking Down the Wall and literacy curricula for international publishers. Tonya has taught across multiple grade levels and excels as an international consultant helping schools build collective efficacy of all teachers through job-embedded, impactful professional learning. Beyond her work in schools, Tonya co-facilitates dialogues in non-profit organizations committed to truth seeking and transforming legacies of racial oppression. Contact Tonya at: @TonyaWardSinger
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Foreword Acknowledgments About the Author SECTION I: ESSENTIALS FOR EL EXCELLENCE 1. INTRODUCTION Why This Book? Helping Every Teacher Excel Teaching ELs Core Pedagogy for EL Excellence How This Guide Helps You Every Day Ways to Use This Flip-To Guide 2. ESSENTIAL MINDSETS Mindsets Matter Value English Learners' Assets Expect Excellence From Every English Learner Reflect in Inquiry About Your Impact SECTION II: ENGAGE 3. ENGAGE EVERY EL What Is Student Engagement? Why Collaborative Conversations? 3.1 Whole-Class Conversation Structures 3.2 Partner Conversation Structures 3.3 Small-Group Conversation Structures 3.4 Up and Moving Conversation Structures 3.5 Fishbowl Structure 3.6 Listening to Conversations as Formative Data 3.7 Tools to Differentiate Student Conversations 3.8 Linguistic Frames for Conversations 3.9 Strategies to Actively Engage Emerging ELs 3.10 Total Physical Response Strategies 3.11 Read and Annotate Strategies 3.12 Collaborate to Write Strategies SECTION III: SUPPORT 4. SUPPORT ELS STRATEGICALLY What Supports Do ELs Need? How Do I Personalize Supports? How Do I Differentiate With Ease? 5. BUILD BACKGROUND What and Why? When Do I Build Background? Who Benefits From Building Background? Strategies to Build Background 5.1 Connect to Students' Background Knowledge and Experiences 5.2 Teach Concept Vocabulary With the Frayer Model 5.3 A Collaborative Approach to the Frayer Model 5.4 Direct Instruction Vocabulary Routine 5.5 Teach Vocabulary With Cognates 5.6 Model Through Teacher Action 5.7 Model Expectations With an Exemplar 5.8 Collaborate to Contrast Exemplars 5.9 Collaborate to Evaluate an Exemplar With a Rubric Reflect on Chapter 5 6. SCAFFOLD LANGUAGE DURING A TASK What and Why? Strategies to Scaffold Language During a Task Anticipating the Just-Right Level of Scaffolds Tips to Be Strategic 6.1 Linguistic Frames 6.2 Word Banks 6.3 Word Bank Table 6.4 Sentence Chart 6.5 Graphic Organizers Reflect on Chapter 6 7. TEACH LANGUAGE BEYOND A TASK What and Why? What Features of Language Do I Teach? Strategies to Teach Language in This Chapter 7.1 Teach Language From Life Experience 7.2 Teach Language From a Text 7.3 Syntax (or Paragraph) Surgery 7.4 Teach Word Relationships Reflect on Chapter 7 SECTION IV: APPLY STRATEGIES TO DIFFERENTIATE ACADEMIC LITERACY 8. MAKE EL EXCELLENCE ROUTINE Four Steps, Four Conversation Tasks Apply Essentials to Meet Specific Literacy Goals Where Do I Begin? What Will I Find in Each Chapter? Be in Continuous Inquiry About Your Impact 9. ANTICIPATE What and Why? 9.1 Make Predictions 9.2 Ask Questions Before Reading 10. READ TO UNDERSTAND What and Why? 10.1 Identify Main Ideas 10.2 Self-Monitor and Use Context Clues 10.3 Use Affixes and Roots to Figure Out Unknown Words 11. READ TO ANALYZE AND INFER What and Why? 11.1 Make Claims About Texts 11.2 Justify Claims With Text Evidence 11.3 Make Inferences About Characters 11.4 Make and Justify Claims About Theme and Author's Message 11.5 Compare and Contrast APPENDIX: GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS Collaborative Brainstorm Frayer Model Direct Vocabulary Instruction Word Family Chart Organize Cause and Effect Claim and Justify With Text Evidence References Index
"Tonya Ward Singer's latest book, written in an easy-to-access conversational style, is exactly what teachers need to bring English learners to the next level in language as well as content. Ward Singer obviously knows her way around classrooms that contain ELs and offers practical suggestions grounded in research of what teachers can do when very real situations arise with ELs. This book provides guidance framed around ELs' proficiency levels and will help teachers find that 'sweet spot' that we're all looking for to promote our ELs' excellence. I highly recommend this book for all types of teachers." -- Dr. Diane Staehr Fenner, President