PRE-SCIENTIFIC PSYCHOLOGY 1. The Witches of Salem, Massachusetts: 1692 Background and the Initial Episodes Accusations and Death Sentences Fictional Accounts Understanding the Causes of the Epidemic In the Final Analysis 2. Victor, The Wild Boy of Aveyron The First Sightings Victor in Paris Teaching Victor Victor's Mental Ability Diagnosing Victor Speech and Socialization The Experiment Ends Lessons from Victor's Treatment 3. Phineas Gage: The Man with a Hole in his Head The Accident Gage's Accident Becomes More Widely Known Franz Gall and Phrenology The Change in Personality Gage's Later Years After His Death The Legacy of Phineas Gage Psychosurgery Phineas Gage Today The Memorial THE EARLY YEARS 4. Hypnosis and Hysteria: Mesmer, Charcot, and the "Country Bumpkins" Mesmer and Hypnosis in the Nineteenth Century Jean-Martin Charcot Hysteria Ambroise-Auguste Leibault and Hippolyte Bernheim: The "Country Bumpkins" Flaws in the System: Alfred Binet at La Salpetriere The Success of the Nancy School 5. The Mysterious Case of Anna O. Breuer's Case Study Anna O.'s Identity Revealed Did Freud Lie? Anna O.'s Later Years 6. Clever Hans, the Wonder Horse The Venue and the Repertoire The Investigations What Hans Learned How Could Observers Have Been So Wrong About Hans? 7. Francis Galton: Explorer, Eugenicist, and Accidental Psychology Child Genius Travel and Adventure Return to England Charles Darwin and the Origin of Species Understanding Heredity The Questionnaire Method Fingerprints The FInal Years Galton's Legacy 8. A Man and His Dogs: The Story of Ivan Pavlov A Difficult Beginning The Movement into Science Research on Salivation Classical Conditioning Criticisms of Pavlov's Research Attitude Toward Psychology Contributions to Mental Health The Later Years 9. Hermann Rorschach and His (In)Famous Test Early Life Establishing a Career Russia and Beyond The Test Psychodiagnostics After Rorschach's Death Curious Uses of the Rorschach Criticisms of the Rorschach The Rorschach Today 10. The Casa Di Bambini: Maria Montessori and Her Method Beginning a Career The Casa dei Bambini Principles for the Classroom Learning "Explosions" Montessori's Influence Spreads Montessori in the United States Political Unrest The Final Years Evaluating Montessori and Her Movement 11. Sigmund Freud's Only Visit to America The Invitation The Clark Conference The Journey to America Clark University and the Lectures Immediately After the Conference The Impact of the "Freud Conference" Return to Vienna and Freud's Final Days Clark University Today 12. Hugo Munsterberg: Pioneer Applied Psychologist, Torn BEtween Two Worlds Beginnings Munsterberg at Harvard Forensic Psychology Industrial/Organizational Psychology Other Contributions Germany, World War I, and Growing Problems Munsterberg's Place in History 13. Mary Whiton Calkins: An Academic Pioneer in Search of a Doctoral Degree Early Education Calkins Moves into Psychology Calkins at Harvard Wellesley and Harvard Redux The Legacy of Mary Whiton Calkins 14. Henry Goddard, Deborah Kallikak, and That Terrible Family of Hers The Kallikak Family Henry H. Goddard Martin Kallikak and His Ancestors Criticisms of the Study The Real Name of the Kallikak Family Afterwards Impact of the Kallikak Family A Final Note 15. Little Albert: Teaching a Child to be Afraid John B. Watson and Behaviorism The Study Ethics and Little Albert Further Criticisms of the Little Albert Study The Case of Peter Watson and Rayner After the Experiment Whatever Became of Little Albert? Looking Back at Albert B. 16. WHen Geniuses Grow Up: The Terman Gifted Study Terman's Background The Binet-Simon Scales The Longitudinal Study Initial Results The Gifted at Mid-Life and Beyond A Few of the Notable Participants Limitations of the Study The Gifted Today ENTERING THE MODERN ERA 17. The Minnesota Starvation Study Background of the Study The Proposed Study The Volunteers The Study Begins Six Months of Starvation The Final Phase Begins Maslow's Theory of Needs Food and the War After the Study 18. The Burt Affair: Fraud or Political Ideology? Burt's Background Burt's Twin Studies The Controversy Begins The Tide Changes Fraud or Political Ideology? 19. Talking to Animals: The Story of Nim Chimpsky Nim Chimpsky Getting Organized The Experiment Begins Nim at Delafield Another Transition for Nim Back to Oklahoma Criticisms of the Research 20. From Dolla Play to the Supreme Court: The Legacy of Kenneth B. Clark Panama to New York The Doll Studies The Road to the Supreme Court After Brown v. the Board of Education The American Psychological Association The Final Years 21. Challenging Societal Norms on Homosexuality: The Story of Evelyn Hooker Setting the Stage Sam From The Study Presenting the Findings Criticisms The Final Years 22. In Praise of Love: Harry Harlow and His Monkeys Finding a Profession Early Research The Affection Experiments Begin Sex and Motherhood The Isolation Experiments Personal Life Criticisms and Contributions 23. The Shocking Dr. Milgram Background The Experiment Begins Criticisms of His Research After the Obedience Studies The Move to the City University of New York Final Years and Summary Thoughts 24. The Murder of Kitty Genovese The Murder Initial Report Social Scientists and the "Bystander Effect" The Parable of the 38 Witnesses Winston Mosely The Aftermath Final Thoughts on the Genovese Tragedy