Lessons Lesson 1: What is Learning? Lesson 2: Becoming an Assessment-Capable Visible Learner Lesson 3: Setting Mastery Goals Lesson 4: Learning Intentions and Success Criteria: What? So What? Impact Lesson 5: What Does Success Look Like? Lesson 6: Using Success Criteria to Monitor Your Progress Lesson 7: Taking on the Challenge of learning Lesson 8: Selecting the Right Strategies in Your Learning Lesson 9: Learning How to Learn Lesson 10: Is it Time for Feedback? Lesson 11: Asking the Right Questions to Get the Feedback You Need Lesson 12: Seeing Errors as Opportunities to Learn Lesson 13: Using Self Questioning to Guide Your learning Lesson 14: Peer Teaching with Think Alouds Lesson 15: Peer Teaching with Reciprocal Teaching Tools and Templates Conceptions of Learning Survey Assessment-Capable Learner Self-Assessment Student Goal Setting Template Learning Intentions and Success Criteria Self-Assessment Co-Constructing Success Criteria Template Using Success Criteria to Monitor Your Progress Learning Strategies Checklist Study Skills Student Checklist Is It Time For Feedback? Checklist Reflecting on Errors as Opportunities to Learn Template Feedback Cards - Asking the Right Questions to Get the Feedback You Need Peer Teaching with Think Alouds Checklist Peer Teaching with Reciprocal Teaching Sentence Starters