PART I: MANAGEMENT AND CULTURE Chapter 1: Introduction: The Challenging Role of the Global Manager Chapter 2: Describing Culture: What It Is and Where It Comes From Chapter 3: Comparing Cultures: Systematically Describing Cultural Differences Chapter 4: How Culture Works: Fundamentals of Cross-Cultural Interaction PART II: ROLES OF THE GLOBAL MANAGER Chapter 5: The Manager as Decision Maker: Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Decision-Making Chapter 6: The Manager as Negotiator: Communicating and Negotiating Across Cultures Chapter 7: The Manager as Leader: Motivation and Leadership across Cultures PART III: GLOBAL MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES Chapter 8: The Challenge of Multicultural Work Groups and Teams Chapter 9: The Challenge of International Organizations: Structure and Culture Chapter 10: The Challenge of International Assignments Chapter 11: The Challenge of Managing Across Cultures in the Future References Name Index Subject Index