Hatching Results for Elementary School Counseling

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781506389646

Implementing Core Curriculum and Other Tier One Activities

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By Trish Hatch, Danielle Duarte, Lisa K. De Gregorio
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Trish Hatch, Ph.D., retired as a professor at San Diego State University (SDSU) in August of 2019 and was recently awarded Professor Emeritus status. During her tenure, Dr. Hatch served as Director of the School Counseling Program from 2004-2015 and as Executive Director of SDSU's Center for Excellence in School Counseling and Leadership. She is the best-selling author of The Use of Data in School Counseling (2013) and co-author of Evidence-Based School Counseling: Making a Difference with Data-Driven Practices (Dimmitt, Carey, and Hatch, 2007) and the ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs (ASCA, 2003, 2005). These books, as well as the three most recent collaborative texts that focus on implementing elementary and secondary school counseling programs, are used throughout the world in the preparation and professional development of school counselors. Trish recently self-published Pilots, Passengers, Prisoners and Hijackers: An Educator's Guide to Handling Difficult People While Moving Forward (2018), a book derived from nearly 20 years of workshops and keynote speeches she'd given on the topic. Regarded within the profession as an advocate and national leader, Dr. Hatch served as a consultant and advisor on school counseling and educational issues for the White House and the U.S. Department of Education under the Obama administration. In 2014, she co-led the organization and planning of the second "invitation-only" White House Convening on School Counseling at SDSU. A former school counselor, site and central office administrator, state association president, and American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Vice President, Dr. Hatch has received multiple national awards, including ASCA's Administrator of the Year award and its highest honor, the Mary Gehrke Lifetime Achievement award. She most recently received the National Association for College Admission Counseling's (NACAC) Excellence in Education Award, previously awarded to First Lady Michelle Obama and Senator Tom Harkin, as well as the inaugural California Association of School Counselors' School Counselor Educator of the Year award. As President and CEO of Hatching Results, LLC, Dr. Hatch leads a team of award-winning school counseling professionals who provide training and consultation to school districts across the country. Danielle Duarte, MS, is passionate about supporting students' academic success, college and career readiness, and social/emotional development while using data to show the positive impact of school counselors. She is currently a doctoral student in the Education Leadership Program at Harvard University and co-author of the book, Hatching Results for Elementary School Counseling: Implementing Core Curriculum and Other Tier One Activities. Formerly a school counselor, counseling grant project director, adjunct faculty member at San Diego State University, and Director of Professional Development for Hatching Results Danielle continues to train counselors and administrators in developing comprehensive, data-driven school counseling programs. Danielle was featured in San Diego Magazine's 17 Big Ideas for 2017: Let's Implement More School Counseling Programs and earned Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) status in her previous district. Additionally, Danielle served on the Board of Directors for the California Association of School Counselors for seven years including as President (2015-2016) and was also involved in Michelle Obama's Reach Higher Initiative, attending all national convenings representing California's Reach Higher Team. Danielle is an AVID Staff Developer, frequent presenter at state and national conferences, and author of multiple articles featured in school counseling publications, including ASCA's Professional School Counseling Journal. Lisa De Gregorio, M.S. is currently the Director of Operations and an Expert Trainer/Consultant for Hatching Results, LLC. A former K-8 school counselor, Lisa's social-emotional learning (SEL) and career readiness initiatives earned her the Oppenheimer Recognition Award, which resulted in a large Illinois SEL/Mental Health grant award and her school's selection as one of only six to become a 'model elementary school' in Chicago (approximately 450 elementary schools). During more than six years at the district office as a Lead K-8 Counselor for hundreds of school counselors, she received the inaugural Golden Child award from the Office of College and Career Success, developed K-12 professional learning and resources, managed staff and special projects, and conducted school visits throughout the city. An Education Pioneer Visiting Fellow, Lisa was recognized for her systemic change efforts at the District Office and Chicago Teachers' Union and as a Board Member of the Illinois School Counselor Association (ISCA) with the School Counselor Advocate of the Year award in 2015.

Foreword Acknowledgments About the Authors Introduction 1. Multi-Tiered, Multi-Domain System of Supports: A Framework for Tier 1 Introduction An Introduction to MTSS in Education Connecting MTSS to School Counseling: MTMDSS Multi-Tiered, Multi-Domain System of Supports (MTMDSS) MTMDSS Alignment to Text Aligning MTMDSS With the ASCA National Model Aligning MTMDSS With the ASCA Position Statements Aligning MTMDSS With the ASCA Ethical Standards Multi-Tiered, Multi-Domain System of Supports (MTMDSS) Assessment 2. Franchising Core Curriculum Trish's Story What Is Franchising? What Can Students, Parents, and Teachers Expect (Count On) From School Counseling Programs? The 80/20 Approach Schoolwide Core Curriculum Action Plans Guidelines for Creating Schoolwide Core Curriculum Action Plans Instructions for Completing an Action Plan Ways to Deliver Core Curriculum Core Curriculum: Ensuring Value Added Best Practices for Successful Parent Education Programs 3. Determining Core Curriculum Lisa's Story Introducing the Art and Science of School Counseling Evidence-Based Practice and Core Curriculum Resources Factors to Consider in Selecting and Developing Core Curriculum Selecting an Evidence-Based Curriculum 4. Lesson Plans Danielle's Story Lesson Plan Development Components Cultural Responsiveness and Considerations When Lesson Planning 5. Student Engagement Engaging Student Learners Cognitive Engagement Through Overt and Covert Engagement Strategies Student Engagement Strategies 6. Classroom Management Managing Classrooms Proactive Classroom Management How to Handle Students Who Are Off Task or Misbehaving 7. Schoolwide Programs and Activities What Are Schoolwide Activities? Districtwide/Schoolwide Programs and Activities Academic Domain Programs and Activities College/Career Domain Programs and Activities Social/Emotional Domain Programs and Activities National Awareness Campaigns Activity: Selecting and Aligning Your Schoolwide Programs and Activities 8. Pre- and Post-Tests and Assessments Revisiting the Art, Science, and Wonder of School Counseling Conceptual Diagram for Elementary School Counseling Curriculum Creating Pre- and Post-Assessments 9. Sharing School Counseling Program Results ASCA Results Reports Flashlight Results Presentations Flashlight Presentation "One-Pager" Other "One-Pagers" Using National School Counseling Week and Other Opportunities to Share School Counseling Program Results Additional Ideas for Sharing Results 10. Management Systems and Putting It All Together Trish's Story Scheduling Core Curriculum Calendars Monthly Planning Guides Systematic Referral Process Marketing the School Counseling Program and Tier 1 Services Collaboration With Staff Collaboration With Administrators Recommendations for New School Counselors Related to Delivery of Tier 1 Services Closing References Index

"This is the book all elementary school counselors have been waiting for! It provides easy to follow step-by-step methods and reproducible templates to develop and manage the delivery of effective core curriculum and school-wide activities. Not only can this book be used a guide to deepen our skills as educators and collaborators, but it also provides a sounding board for effective school counseling practices that are standards-based, measurable, and focused on closing the achievement gap. This is a must read for school counselors seeking to develop or improve their tier one programs or simply seeking to spend more time delivering direct services to students!" -- Kirsten Perry, ASCA 2018 School Counselor of the Year Dr. Trish Hatch's experience, leadership and strategic approach to school counseling has transformed the way we support students in San Jacinto Unified. We now have counselors in every school who are working effectively and efficiently to address barriers to learning and support the academic, social, and emotional development of each student, and as a result, SJUSD has been recognized both county and statewide for our outstanding school counseling program. Hatching Results for Elementary School Counseling is a must-read for district and site leaders who want to provide equity for each and every student and ensure that elementary lays the foundation for college and career readiness. -- Diane Perez, Superintendent "This book accomplishes what so many school counseling graduates are often left to learn 'on the job:' translation of theory and ideas into meaningful, evidence-based practice within a multi-tiered system of supports, and especially at the elementary level. It's a must read for every school counselor educator and 21st century school counselor." -- Paul C. Harris, PhD, Assistant Professor, Counselor Education "The suggestions in this book on how to increase student engagement align very well with the AVID methods of engagement we support through our counselor and elementary school professional learning, and as such provide great guidance to the reader." -Dr. Sandy Husk, CEO, AVID - Advancement Via Individual Determination -- Dr. Sandy Husk, CEO "The strengths of this book include the ability of the authors to show, instead of just tell, the reader important concepts and activities. Readers are provided with practical steps to creating foundational core curriculum to remove barriers to success for all students. Practicing school counselors and school counselors in-training will benefit from the step-by-step guide to building lesson plans, the multiple strategies to increase student engagement, and the clear blueprint for effective classroom management. The informal and easy-to-read writing style makes this an accessible text for students at the graduate level as well as existing school counselors. Finally, school counseling, as a profession, can improve in our ability to evaluate the impact of our work and share-out results of our interventions. Hatching Results for Elementary School Counseling provides users with a system for sharing out important results related to student growth and development." -- Brett Zyromski, PhD, Assistant Professor, Counselor Education "Elementary school counselors can feel isolated and alone without a team. We are often pulled in multiple directions while trying to make an impact on our students and our school communities. Trish, Danielle and Lisa have provided us with that team by sharing their stories, expertise, and practical suggestions in this book. Never feel alone again with this resource on your shelf! It is great for veteran AND rookie school counselors." -- Mindy Willard, 2013 American School Counselor of the Year, former President of Arizona School Counselor Association "This is a fantastic resource! It's perfect not only for new school counselors but also for veterans." -- Jon Strand, K-6 School Counselor, School District of Fall Creek, WI

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