Keep CALM and Teach

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781506397764

Empowering K-12 Learners With Positive Classroom Management Routines

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By Victoria S. Lentfer
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Dr. Victoria Lentfer is an education instructor at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. She teaches classroom management and middle level courses. She is an educational consultant and founder of the CALM Classroom Management Program, which is a comprehensive behavior management and teacher leader program that provides communication models to guide teachers and students to an inclusive and productive classroom. She has more than 20 years of experience of providing instructional support and teaching at both the middle and high school urban districts, and extensive work with incarcerated youth. Victoria has also been a Trailblazer Leader and keynote speaker for the Association of Middle Level Education (AMLE).

Preface Acknowledgments About the Author Chapter 1: The CALM Management Program How I Got From There to Here Teach Content and Behavior CALM Management Communication Accountability Leadership Motivation Proactive Measures Positive Reinforcements Pacing Learning Goals Behavior Goals Summary Reflection Questions Quick Wins Part I: CALM Communication Chapter 2: Positive Behavior Expectations Explicit Expectations Lead to Positive Results In the Research Beginning the CALM Classroom Process Bullying Special Situations Summary Reflection Questions Quick Wins Chapter 3: Redirect Behavior Model Redirect Behavior Model Defined Empower Students Framework of the Redirect Behavior Model Implementing the Phases of the Redirect Behavior Model Phase I: Explain Student Behavior Expectations Phase I: Noncompliance-What to Do if a Student Does Not Accept the Redirection Phase II: Encourage Student Ownership Phase III: Problem-Solve With the Noncompliant Student Delivering the Redirect Behavior Model Say It and Move On Make It Conversational Be Prepared for Students to Feel Uncomfortable Remain Calm Redirect Behavior Model for Instruction Summary Reflection Questions Quick Wins Chapter 4: Voice-Movement-Task Model Voice-Movement-Task Model Defined Research When to Use Voice Movement Materials Task Summary Reflection Questions Quick Wins Part II: CALM Accountability Chapter 5: Accountability-Collaborative Work Groups Think Beyond the Four Walls . . . Small-Group Interaction Model Prior to Activity (Standard Procedures for All Activities) Peer Feedback How to Teach Students to Provide Academic Feedback Positive Behavior Expectations for Feedback Role-Play Scenarios Summary Reflection Questions Quick Wins Chapter 6: Accountability-Conversations, Consequences, and Follow Through Student Choices Consequences to Promote Growth Conversations to Promote Growth Relying on Positive Consequences May Require a Change in Mindset Positive Consequences Consequences That Address Negative Behavior Inappropriate Responses to Negative Behavior Consequence Progression Follow Through Summary Reflection Questions Quick Wins Part III: CALM Leadership Chapter 7: Teacher as a Leader Five Effective Practices for a Teacher Leader Reflective Practice Communication Teacher Presence Positive Mindset Instruction Summary Reflection Questions Quick Wins Chapter 8: Student as a Leader The Student Communication Model Community Council Purpose of the Community Council Appointing the Council Leader When the Council Convenes Community Council Whole-Class Meeting Protocol Teacher Role Incentive Summary Reflection Questions Quick Wins Part IV: CALM Motivation Chapter 9: Motivation Plan Motivation Plan-Whole Class Disengaged Student-Work for Wins Disengaged Student-Mentor Tutoring Summary Reflection Questions Quick Wins Chapter 10: Final Thoughts Key Takeaways One Last Collaborative Group Activity Where Do We Go From Here? References Index

"Victoria Lentfer is the 21st century Madeline Hunter! Dr. Lentfer's CALM approach makes so much sense. This book should be required reading for all first year teachers who often struggle with classroom management. Finally a step-by-step approach that helps to diffuse classroom disruptions while allowing teachers to teach and students to learn. Classrooms can become kind and caring learning environments that have high expectations and respect all students." -- Pamela J. Cohn, Executive Director Secondary School Support & Supervision "CALM Classroom Management is critical to teaching success. The author has 'been there, done that' when it comes to learning from mistakes, digging into the research, engaging in reflection and becoming a continuous learner in the area of classroom management. This book applies a practical, no-nonsense and experience based approach which includes research-based case-studies and activities to help teachers and administrators be successful." -- Nancy A. Edick, Lois G. Roskens Dean, College of Education "Dr. Lentfer's book on classroom management reaches a broad audience. Her philosophy of CALM (Communication, Accountability, Leadership and Motivation) allows educators to see and relate practical strategies teachers can implement tomorrow." ? -- Kim Campbell, Proud Middle School Teacher/AMLE Consultant/SOAR Coordinator/Dean of Students "CALM management is a simple, yet effective way for teachers to establish a positive learning environment. Teachers are able to establish a respectful classroom by using the proactive methods in the CALM management program. This step-by-step approach empowers students through choices and accountability. This a must read for new teachers!" -- Jim Sutfin, Ed.D, Superintendent "Dr. Lentfer's CALM Management Program is the answer to every teacher's biggest wish; to have a classroom environment where every single student can experience success. She provides simple, clear, and proven techniques for classroom management, with examples from real classrooms, at every level of schooling. Every teacher needs a copy of this book, new and veteran alike!" -- Dr. Ferial Pearson, College of Education "Everyone is seeking the one answer regarding classroom management, the truth is, there is no one perfect answer. However, staying CALM, building relationships, using humor, and setting realistic expectations can help you as an educator. This book explores how critical it is to be proactive and thoughtful in your classroom management. Next time things get so crazy in your classroom that you want to set your hair on fire- remember stay calm, wigs are expensive!" -- Jack Berckemeyer, Presenter and Author of Taming of the Team "Filled with actionable and adaptable strategies for all grade levels, this text is a comprehensive guide for establishing a classroom environment where all students can thrive. ?A valuable and explicit resource for teachers new to the profession; as well as, career educators wishing to reset their classroom management process and procedures." -- Melissa Chalupnik, Director of Professional Learning "This is a great how-to book that provides excellent strategies and tools to create a smooth functioning classroom leading to increased instructional time and student learning. For the novice teacher, it offers many procedures that can be easily implemented into a classroom management framework. For the experienced teacher, it provides ideas that can be applied, adapted, and integrated into their existing classroom management model. This is a valuable resource for all teachers in PreK- 12 school settings." -- Dr. Janice Garnett, University of Nebraska Omaha, Assistant Professor "Vicki has outlined a logical roadmap to not only address behavior, but change the narrative regarding classroom management to reflect a shift in mindset that replaces irrational responses with positive choices that are effective in keeping the focus on student learning." -- Marlena Gross-Taylor, Founder of #EduGladiators "If I had this book my first year of teaching, I would have floundered less and my students would have learned more! Dr. Lentfer does a thorough job of breaking down classroom management. The book is full of concrete examples for elementary, middle school, and high school teachers, thoroughly explaining the steps to establishing the learning environment that typically takes teachers years to achieve." -- Tony Vincent "As an ESL teacher educator, I am grateful that Dr. Lentfer's CALM Management Program addresses the needs of diverse learners. With its strong focus on building relationships, the CALM Management strategies will empower teacher candidates, experienced teachers, teacher educators, and most importantly students of all ages, languages, and cultural backgrounds." -- Dr. Sandra Rodriguez-Arroyo, Associate Professor of Education, ESL/Bilingual Education and Literacy "This is one of the best classroom management books that I have read. The CALM management tools will help all educators at any stages of their careers. The activities, real-world examples, and reflection questions made the content interactive and meaningful. This book is an invaluable resource for teachers at all levels of their careers!" -- Susan M. Swearer, PhD, Willa Cather Professor of Educational Psychology "This book would be a great supplemental resource for my student teachers in their field assignments. Teacher candidates identify classroom management as one of the most difficult tasks to undertake. I will recommend this book to my student teachers as a way to positively look at classroom management and tackling student behavior issues." -- Natalie Young, Ed. D.

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