The Cultural Proficiency Manifesto

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9781506399379

Finding Clarity Amidst the Noise

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By Randall B. Lindsey
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Randall B. Lindsey is Emeritus Professor at California State University, Los Angeles. He has served as a teacher, an administrator, executive director of a non-profit corporation, as Interim Dean at California Lutheran University, as Distinguished Educator in Residence at Pepperdine University, and as Chair of the Education Department at the University of Redlands. All of Randy's experiences have been in working with diverse populations and his area of study is the behavior of white people in multicultural settings. His Ph.D. is in Educational Leadership from Georgia State University, his Master of Arts in Teaching is in History Education from the University of Illinois, and his B.S. in Social Science Education is from Western Illinois University. He has served as a junior high school and high school teacher and as an administrator in charge of school desegregation efforts. At Cal State, L.A. he served as Chair of the Division of Administration and Counseling and as Director of the Regional Assistance Centers for Educational Equity, a regional race desegregation assistance center. With co-authors he has written several books and articles on applying the Cultural Proficiency Framework in various contexts. Email - Website - Twitter - @RBLindsey41

Foreword Acknowledgments About the Author Introduction PART I: THE NOISE: A VICIOUS CYCLE Chapter 1: Purpose of This Manifesto My Perspective My Concern Reflection The Cultural Proficiency Framework as a Road Map Technical and Adaptive Change Reflection Expressions of Bigotry Can Be Motivational Reflection Design of This Book Chapter 2: A Brief History of Inequity and Equity: A Tsunami Warning Lesson Learned #1 Cycles of Disruption as Levers for Change: A Tsunami Warning Inequities Are on Our Doorsteps for Us to Address The Silver Lining of Equity in Our Founding Documents Lesson Learned #2 Reflection Reflection More About Achievement Gaps The Myth of Failing Public Schools School Reform from 1980s to Present Going Deeper Dialogic Activity Chapter 3: History and Hope for Changing Schools Education Language and the Power of "Why?" Lesson Learned #3 Transformative Change The Achievement Gap Is Not New Into the Second Century of Education Reform: The "Why?" Question Amidst the Noise Is Clarity Going Deeper Dialogic Activity PART II: LISTENING FOR CLARITY Chapter 4: The Cultural Proficiency Framework Culturally Proficient Leadership Lesson Learned #4 The Tools of Cultural Proficiency The Cultural Proficiency Conceptual Framework as a Guide Barriers vs. Cultural Assets: The Tension for Change Transforming the Culture of School Going Deeper Dialogic Activity Chapter 5: Resistance to Change: The Anger-Guilt Continuum Surfacing Privilege and Entitlement Reflections on Entitlement: A Mystic Elementary School Conversation Reflective Activity Carrying Our Learning Forward Going Deeper Dialogic Activity Chapter 6: Going Forward Takes Commitment and Effort: It Always Has The Blaring of Trumpets PHASE 1: The Guiding Principles of Cultural Proficiency Nine Key Questions for Reflection and Dialogue Use Internal Assets and Be Intentional PHASE 2: The Essential Elements of Cultural Competence Going Deeper Dialogic Activity Chapter 7: My Final Thoughts and, Then, Your Turn Two-Phase Process-Guiding Principles and Essential Elements Reflection Closing Comments References Resources Index

"Dr. Lindsey's Manifesto is a call to action for educators to ensure we are creating culturally responsive educational environments to support all learners and teaches us how to authentically engage in the work of educating our wonderfully diverse population." -- Dr. Julie A. Vitale, Superintendent "Dr. Lindsey makes a clear and passionate case for the need for social justice to be moved to the forefront for all of us. He makes it an imperative for all to move beyond word to actions and to become leaders in setting a equitable future for all." -- Raymond Terrell, Interim Chair Teacher (Education) "This latest book by Randall Lindsey offers educators paths to hope in the new normal following the 2016 elections. Amidst the cacophony of this 'noise' he challenges us to surface privilege and entitlements through tools of cultural proficiency in service of all students. All educators owe it to themselves and the children they teach to rise above the 'noise' and find the clarity this book offers. " -- Dr. Rosemary Papa, Professor of Comparative and International Education and Leadership "The recent adoption of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the 2015 reauthorization of ESEA which replaces No Child Left Behind (NCLB), reasserts the federal focus on all students being academically successful. However, attention to addressing the needs of the diversity in America's classrooms has not been mandated, introduced, or discussed. Professional development, and professional dialogue around the tools of The Conceptual Framework for Culturally Proficient Practice, can provide a bridge to support school leaders in developing a relationship with their community as they improve access and equity to quality educational experience for America's children." -- Dr. Patricia Horton, Principal "A must read for those perplexed with the current political rhetoric. Through an autobiographical approach, Dr. Lindsey brings clarity of purpose and productive action in creating environment where ALL students can be successful." -- Dr. Luis A. Rankins-Ibarra, Superintendent of Schools "Powerful, genuine, personal, and supportive - the author rallies all educators to recognize the cyclical problems by listening to the noise influencing our 21st century classrooms. Using the 'inside-out approach' to Cultural Proficiency, educators are encouraged to allow a self-quieting methodology, listen for the current cycle of noise, and rely on the Tools of Cultural Proficiency, specifically the Guiding Principles. Through guidance, the author encourages using cultural differences as assets, having hope, and dedicating yourself to move forward using culturally proficient practices in order for our organizations to focus on educating all students through equitable systems." -- Dr. Jaime E. Welborn, Assistant Professor (Education Leadership) * Saint Louis University * "Powerfully moving! Lindsey provides a stirring appeal to stand on the platform of cultural proficiency to quiet the "noise" for making the change necessary to fully educate each child. We are already able, we simply need to do!" -- Franklin CampbellJones, Vice President "The timing of Dr. Lindsey's "Manifesto" could not be more perfect, or more necessary. It allows us to slow down, re-engage, and reflect on where we have been, where we are now and where we want to go. It pushes against our comfort zones in a way that invites us to explore and challenge our beliefs, while "becoming aware and knowing what you don't know." Finally, it reminds us that this is a journey of introspection and continuous growth for educators committed to educating ALL children." -- Dr. Nancy Dome, CEO "Now more important than ever, Randall Lindsey provides us the why, what, and how to continually strive to be individually and collectively culturally proficient! Why? We must, as educators, meet our moral imperative to create a socially-just democracy by educating all of our children in all of our schools! What? Creating a socially-just democracy requires educators and schools who constantly develop their individual and collective knowledge and skills of cultural proficiency. How? Skillful and honest use of the Culturally Proficient Framework, Guiding Principles, Continuum rubric, Essential Elements, and Cultural Proficiency Tools will facilitate culturally proficient students, educators, and schools." -- Dr. Bess Scott, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership "Dr. Randy Lindsey's latest book is a must read for socially conscious educational leaders who care deeply about the future viability and vitality of their communities as well as the sustainability of our deep democratic ideals and more importantly, a guide for creating meaningful change in both policy and practice that ultimately open doors of opportunity to those students who have traditionally been designated to the margins of success in our schools and society." -- Dr. Robert L. Jarvis, Director of Equity Leadership Initiatives "This 'manifesto' is indeed timely and essential. Dr. Lindsey's vast experience as an expert and leader in the field of cultural proficiency reminds us that "now is the time" to acknowledge and address the vast number of diversity, equity, and social justice issues at hand. His hope is my hope... his clarity is all our clarity." -- Dr. Kenneth R. Magdaleno, Executive Director

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