Christopher M. Hays is professor of New Testament at Biblical Seminary of Colombia in Medellin, Colombia.Brandon Gallaher is lecturer of systematic and comparative theology in the department of theology and religion at the University of Exeter, UKJulia S. Konstantinovsky is research fellow in theology and religion, Wolfson College, University of Oxford, UK.Richard J. Ounsworth OP is tutor and lector in Scripture, Blackfriars Hall, University of Oxford, UK.C. A. Strine is Vice-Chancellor's Fellow and lecturer in Hebrew Bible at the University of Sheffield, UK
1. Introduction: Was Jesus Wrong about the Eschaton?-Christopher M. Hays 2. Prophecy-Christopher M. Hays 3. Reconceiving Prophecy-C. A. Strine 4. The Delay of the Parousia: Part 1-Christopher M. Hays and Richard J. Ounsworth, OP 5. The Delay of the Parousia: Part 2-Christopher M. Hays 6. Negating the Fall and Reconstituting Creation-Julia S. Konstantinovsky 7. Divine Possibilities-Brandon Gallaher and Julia S. Konstantinovsky 8. Divine Action in Christ-Brandon Gallaher and Julia S. Konstantinovsky 9. Liturgy-C. A. Strine, Richard J. Ounsworth, OP, and Brandon Gallaher 10. Our Method-Christopher M. Hays and C. A. Strine 11. Conclusion-Christopher M. Hays Bibliography