This book is about trauma-informed counseling with racially traumatized African (Black), Latino/a/x, Asian, and Native (Indigenous) Americans (ALANAs). ALANAs face the difficulties of systemic racism and experiences of trauma.? Any attempt by trauma-informed professionals to help or heal must consider the intersection of race and trauma.? Counselors working with race and trauma must use a trauma-informed blueprint to address trauma issues. Comprehending the components and intersectionality of trauma and race is critical to healing and strengthening hurting people, particularly ALANAs.?The book explores the matters of race and trauma through discussions of sociological issues; the intersectionality of race, gender, and class; and benign neglect of ALANAs. This book makes an important contribution to the conversation on race and trauma because its purpose is to equip healers with the tools necessary to assist individuals, families, groups, and communities to heal from abuse, discrimination, and maltreatment.