Samuel Hildebrandt holds a PhD in Hebrew and Old Testament studies from the University of Edinburgh. He currently teaches as a lecturer in biblical studies at Nazarene Theological College in Manchester, United Kingdom. Hildebrandt has published Interpreting Quoted Speech in Prophetic Literature: A Study of Jeremiah 2:1-3:5 and is coeditor of From Words to Meaning. His research appears regularly in academic and church-facing publications. Hildebrandt also has experience as an editorial consultant and translator. At home in Germany, Canada, and the United Kingdom, he enjoys everyday life with his family and treasures every minute he spends on his bicycle.
Introduction Chapter 1 Living in a Restless World: The Chaos and Calm of Psalm 46 Chapter 2 The Lonely Bird on the Roof: Psalm 102 and the Reality of Life Alone Chapter 3 Words of Woe: Speaking of Despair in Jeremiah Chapter 4 When the World Comes Undone: Job 3 and the Language of Shattered Assumptions Chapter 5 Caught in the Flow of Time: Ecclesiastes and Human Mortality Chapter 6 Of Ants and Answers: The Human Condition in Proverbs 30 and Matthew 6 Conclusions