Race, Culture and Media


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By Anamik Saha
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Anamik Saha is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Media, Communications and Cultural Studies, and convenor of MA Race, Media and Social Justice. After completing his PhD in Sociology at Goldsmiths, Anamik worked in the Institute of Communication Studies at the University of Leeds, firstly as an ESRC Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, then as a Lecturer in Communications. He has held visiting fellowship at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Trinity College, Connecticut. Anamik's research interests are in race and the media, with a particular focus on cultural production and the cultural industries in relation to broader issues of commodification and racial capitalism. His work has been published in journals including Media, Culture and Society, Ethnic and Racial Studies, and Ethnicities. With David Hesmondhalgh (2013) he co-edited a special issue of Popular Communication on race and ethnicity in cultural production, and with Dave O'Brien, Kim Allen and Sam Friedman (2017) he co-edited a special issue of Cultural Sociology on inequalities in the cultural industries. In 2019 he became an editor of the European Journal of Cultural Studies. Anamik's first book Race and the Cultural Industries (Polity) was published in 2018. In 2019 he received an Arts and Humanities Research Council Leadership Fellow grant for a project entitled 'Rethinking Diversity in Publishing', which led to a report published by Goldsmiths Press in June 2020. His research has featured across a range of media, including BBC Radio, The Guardian, TES and The New Statesman. His new book entitled Race, Culture, and Media (SAGE) will be published in Spring 2021.

Chapter 1. Introduction: Race, Culture and Media Chapter 2. Race in Media Studies Chapter 3. Media and the Postcolonial Chapter 4. Race, capitalism and media Chapter 5. Nationalism, multiculturalism and media Chapter 6. Race and media power Chapter 7. Media, migration and racism Chapter 8. Islamophobia and Media Chapter 9. The production and circulation of blackness in media Chapter 10. Digital race/racism Chapter 11. Conclusion

Race, Culture and Media offers crucial insights regarding a wide range of themes and issues related to the relationship between nationalism, multiculturalism, race, capitalism, and media. The book reflects on significant moments in history, contemporary media examples, and cultural production changes. This is a text that is sure to shape future discussions about race, culture and media. -- Dr Francesca Sobande With the publication of Race, Culture and Media, Anamik Saha has established himself as one of the leading critical theorists of race and the media. The book is at once both an original contribution to the fields of race, culture and media and also a comprehensive summation of the current debates. In short, there is no clearer introduction to the complex interrelations between race, culture and media available today. Race, Culture and Media, guides the reader through the contested and, at times, contradictory role of the media in "race-making", as Saha expertly summarizes key debates from postcolonial theory, to the political and cultural economy of the media. With carefully chosen case studies, up to date examples, and clear summaries of key concepts, as well as guides to further reading, Race, Culture and Media will be an invaluable resource for both teachers and students, interested in the latest research in media and communication studies. -- Professor Ben Carrington

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