Emma Smith is Reader in Education at the University of Birmingham
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Preface - Larry E. Suter Methods and Practice in Comparative Education Research: Models, Ontologies and Epistemologies - Larry E. Suter, Emma Smith and Brian Denman Part 1: The Status of Comparative Education Research Chapter 1: The Status of Comparative Education Research in the 21st Century: An Empiricists View - Larry E. Suter Chapter 2: Critical Challenges in Approaches and Experience in Comparative Education Research - Brian D. Denman Chapter 3: Enduring Issues in Education: Comparative Perspectives - Wing On Lee Chapter 4: Riddled with Gaping Wounds: A Methodological Critique of Comparative and International Studies in Education: Views of a Professor - Rui Yang Part 2: Measurement Methods in Comparative Education Research Chapter 5: Challenges in International Large-Scale Educational Surveys - Fons J. R. van de Vijver, Nina Jude, Susanne Kuger Chapter 6: Non-Cognitive Attributes: Measurement and Meaning - Mary Ainley and John Ainley Chapter 7: Methodological Challenges to Measuring Heterogeneous Populations Internationally - Leslie Rutkowski and David Rutkowski Chapter 8: The Participation of Latin American Countries in International Assessments: Assessment Capacity, Validity, and Fairness - Guirimo Solano-Flores Chapter 9: Validity Issues in Qualitative and Quantitative Research of Cross-National Studies - Jae Park Chapter 10: Mixed Methods in Education: Visualising the Quality of Quantitative Data - David A. Turner Part 3: Research Practices in Comparative Studies of Education Chapter 11: Growth and Development of Large-scale International Comparative Studies and their Influence on Comparative Education Thinking - Larry E. Suter Chapter 12: The Meaning of Motivation to Learn in Cross-National Comparisons: A Review of Recent International Research on Ability, Self-concept, and Interest - Ming-Te Wang, Jessica L. Degol, Jiesi Guo Chapter 13: Examining Change over Time in International Large-Scale Assessments: Lessons Learned from PISA - Christine Salzer and Manfred Prenzel Chapter 14: Qualitative Comparative Education Research: Perennial Issues, New Approaches and Good Practice - Michele Schweisfurth Chapter 15: Methodological Challenges in Conducting International Research on Teaching Quality Using Standardized Observations - Anna-Katharina Praetorius, Wida Rogh, Courtney Bell and Eckhard Klieme Chapter 16: The Measurement and Use of Socioeconomic Status in Educational Research - J. Douglas Willlms & Lucia Tramonte Part 4: Lessons from International Comparisons of Student Behaviors Chapter 17: Early Childhood Care and Education in the Era of Sustainable Development: Balancing Local and Global Priorities - Abbie Raikes, Dawn Davis and Anna Burton Chapter 18: Equity of Access to Pre-Primary Education and Long-Term Benefits: A Cross- Country Analysis - Gerard Ferrer-Esteban, Larry Suter and Monica Mincu Chapter 19: Primary Education Curricula across the World: Qualitative and Quantitative Methodology in International Comparison - Dominic Wyse & Jacob Anders Chapter 20: Outside-School-Time Activities and Shadow Education - Siyuan Feng & Mark Bray Chapter 21: Measuring Opportunity: Two Perspectives on the "Black Box" of School Learning - Leland S. Cogan and William H. Schmidt Chapter 22: What Can International Comparative Tests Tell Us about the Future Supply of Highly Skilled STEM Workers? - Larry E. Suter and Emma Smith Part 5: International comparisons of Instruction Chapter 23: Comparative Research on Teacher Learning Communities in a Global Context - Motoko Akiba, Cassandra Howard and Guodong Liang Chapter 24: Teaching Instructional Practices: Play-Based Learning - Supporting the Transition from Early Years to Primary Education - Tanya Hathaway Chapter 25: Challenges in Practice: A Critical Examination of Efforts to Link Teacher Practices and Student Achievement - Laura O'Dwyer and Catherine Paolucci Chapter 26: Global Higher Education Trends: Implications for Policy and Practice - Christopher C. Blakesley, Donna J. Menke and W. James Jacob Chapter 27: Digital Technologies and Educational Transformation - Nancy Law and Leming Liang Chapter 28: International Large-scale Student Assessments and Their Impact on National School Reforms - Gustavo E. Fischman, Pasi Sahlberg, Iveta Silova and Amelia Marcetti Topper Part 6: Influence of Large-Scale Assessments on Policy Chapter 29: Changes in the World-wide Distribution of Large-Scale International Assessments - Larry E. Suter Chapter 30: The Uneasy Relation Between International Testing and Comparative Education Research - Martin Carnoy Chapter 31:Global and Local Dissonance when Comparing Nation-States and Educational Performance - Colin Power Chapter 32: Building Learning Assessment Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean - Adriana Viteri and Pablo Zoido
Larry Suter, Emma Smith, and Brian Denman have done a great service to the field of comparative educational research with this excellent volume. The breadth of content spanning theory, methodology, and policy is truly amazing, and the outstanding authors that agreed to write chapters for the volume guarantees that this book will become a standard source on comparative educational research in the years to come. -- David Kaplan A handbook on comparative studies in education needs to be international in its sources, contemporary in its outlook, but at the same time acknowledging the very long historical trajectory of such work. It also needs to be eclectic in the methodologies represented and critical in its approach. This volume succeeds in meeting all of these requirements and will provide enormous support to scholars around the world for many years to come. -- Ian Menter