PART ONE: CBT - WHAT IS IT? 1. What is CBT? 2. Who Benefits from CBT? 3. The CBT Model 4. Levels of Cognitions (Thoughts, Beliefs and Assumptions) 5. Structure of therapy and sessions 6. The therapeutic relationship PART TWO: CBT - HOW DO YOU DO IT? 7. CBT Assessment 8. CBT Formulation 9. Setting Therapy Goals 10. Coping Strategies 11. Behavioural Interventions 12. Cognitive Interventions: Psycho-education about Thoughts and Beliefs 13. Cognitive Interventions: Identifying Negative Automatic Thoughts (NATs) 14. Cognitive Interventions: Evaluation of Negative Automatic Thoughts or 'Thought Challenging' 15. Cognitive Interventions: Working with Assumptions and Core Beliefs PART THREE: AND THE REST... 16. Mindfulness 17. Problem Solving 18. Working with Emotions 19. Motivation for Change 20. Therapeutic Endings 21. Supervision