The SAGE Handbook of Gifted and Talented Education


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Edited by Belle Wallace, Dorothy Sisk, John Senior
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Preface - Chris Yapp General Introduction to the Handbook - Belle Wallace, Dorothy A. Sisk, and John Senior SECTION 1: Concepts of Giftedness and Identification: Social and Emotional Needs Introduction to Section 1 - Dorothy A. Sisk Chapter 1: Is Gifted Education on the Right Path? - Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 2: Spiritual Intelligence: Developing Higher Consciousness - Dorothy A. Sisk Chapter 3: Exchanging Giftedness for a Better Gift - Janet E. Davidson Chapter 4: Tapping the Untapped - Untold Stories: Revisiting the Concept of Giftedness through the Mirror of Multi-Cultural India - Krishna Maitra and Yukti Sharma Chapter 5: Honoring Differences: Improving the Representation of Culturally Different Gifted Students based on Equity - Donna Y. Ford, Ramon B. Goings, Jemimah L. Young, and Brian L. Wright Chapter 6: Creativity and Genius - Dean Keith Simonton Chapter 7: Why Bother Being Different? The Role of Intrinsic Motivation in Creativity - Kelsey Procter Finley and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Chapter 8: New Dynamic Approach to Measure Creativity: Implications for Indentification and Education - Taisir Subhi Yamin Chapter 9: Profoundly Gifted: Outliers among the Outliers - Stephanie Tolan Chapter 10: Eminence in Talented Women by Domain: Issues, Similarities, and Differences Utilizing the Piirto Pyramid as a Theoretical Framework - Jane Piirto Chapter 11: Accepting Exceptionality: Giftedness and ADHD - Kelly M. Lee and F. Richard Olenchak Chapter 12: Hidden Treasures: Twice Exceptional Students - Linda Kreger Silverman Chapter 13: Serving and Honoring Gender Diversity in Education - Robert W. Seney Chapter 14: The Emotional Development of the Gifted and Talented - Joan Freeman Chapter 15: Friendships of Gifted Children and Youth: Updated Insights and Understanding - Bruce M. Shore, Tanya Chichekian, Petra D.T. Gyles, and Cheryl L. Walker Chapter 16: Parental Influence on Perfectionism among Chinese Gifted Children in Hong Kong - Lai-kwan Chan SECTION 2: Educational Provision: Programs and Strategies Introduction to Section 2 - Belle Wallace Chapter 17: Building Knowledge Bridges: Synthesising early years and gifted education research and practice to provide an optimal start for young gifted children - Margaret Sutherland and Niamh Stack Chapter 18: Engineering the Schoolwide Enrichment Model: A Case Study of the Process of Change in Education - Joseph S. Renzulli and Sally M. Reis Chapter 19: TASC: Thinking Actively in a Social Context: a universal Framework for Developing Thinking Skills and Problem-solving Across the Curriculum - Belle Wallace and Harvey B. Adams Chapter 20: Real Engagement in Active Problem Solving: An International Collaboration - C. June Maker and Randy Pease Chapter 21: Designing Dynamic Learning Spaces for Gifted Learners: Authentic, Augmented and Actualized Places and Placements - Gillian Eriksson Chapter 22: How to Create and Sustain a Culture of Excellence that benefits Highly Able Students to enter Top Research Universities - Ian Warwick Chapter 23: Meta-analysis of 26 Forms of Academic Acceleration: Options for Elementary (Primary) and Secondary Learners with Gifts or Talents - Karen B. Rogers Chapter 24: What works better than the rest? The impact of various curricula provisions for gifted learners - Janna Wardman and John Hattie Chapter 25: Continuum of Differentiation - Sandra N. Kaplan Chapter 26: The National Mentoring program in Israel: A model for developing leadership among highly gifted students - Rachel Zorman, Menachem Nadler, Pnina Zeltser, and Zipi Bashan Chapter 27: Capacities, Challenges, and Curriculum for Australian learners with exceptional potential for English-language learning - Aranzazu M. Blackburn and Susen R. Smith Chapter 28: Career-life counselling for the gifted in sub-Saharan Africa - Jacobus G. Maree Chapter 29: Recognizing, Developing and Offering Talents as Educational Gifts through Living Theory Research - Jack Whitehead and Marie Huxtable Section 3: Global Responses to Emerging G&T Provision: Defining the Future Introduction to Section 3 - John Senior Chapter 30: The Education of Highly Able Children in England: Challenges and Achievements - Hilary Lowe Chapter 31: Creativity Competition for Gifted Students' Communication and Self-Esteem Development - Finarya Legoh Chapter 32: Gifted Education in Brazil: Historical Background, Current Practices and Research Trends - Eunice M.L. Soriano de Alencar, Denise de Souza Fleith, and Liliane Bernades Carneiro Chapter 33: New Century Gifted Education in Mainland China - Jiannong Shi and Pin Li Chapter 34: Gifted Education in Asia: Vision and Capacity - David Yun Dai Chapter 35: Developments and Issues of Gifted Education in Taiwan - Ching-Chih Kuo Chapter 36: Development of Gifted Education in Turkey - Ugur Sak, Bahadir Ayas, Bilge Bal-Sezerel, N. Nazli OEzdemir, Ercan OEpengin & Sule Demirel Chapter 37: Gifted Education in Europe - Andrzej E. Sekowski, Barbara Cichy-Jasiocha, Martyna Pludowska Chapter 38: Giftedness in a Context of 21st-Century Globalization - Don Ambrose Chapter 39: The creative being and being creative: human machine neural networks - Eva Gyarmathy Chapter 40: Gifted Education: The Future Awaits - Ken McCluskey Conclusion - Belle Wallace, Dorothy A. Sisk, and John Senior

The SAGE Handbook of Gifted and Talented Education engages the reader in myriad topics that are up to date and thought provoking. It is a "must-have" resource for researchers, educators, and others interested in gifted education and talent development. -- Dr Julia Link Roberts Unquestionably, this text is the richest, most robust scholarly investigation into the realm of gifted and talented in the last twenty years. Belle Wallace, Dorothy Sisk and John Senior have brought together the finest scholars and researchers in the field to compile a massive and masterful text that is both insightful and illuminating. The chapters are captivating, riveting and inspiring while at the same time written with passion and panache. This is an extraordinary work that will serve as a guide and reference for scholars, researchers and theoreticians for the next several decades. -- Professor Michael Shaughnessy Not, perhaps, since publication of the 1st edition of the critically acclaimed International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent (ed. F.J. Monks et al) in 1993, has there been a more scholarly exposition of issues that provide comprehensive coverage of the present stage of knowledge within the field. 70 renowned contributing authors offer an indispensable combination of well-argued conceptual review, details of numerous international programmes and strategies and thoughtful examination of the basis for future provision and trends. The Handbook will find a place on bookshelves and within libraries accessed by those who see the gifted and talented as one of our most precious societal resources and who are conscious of the pressing need to realise and utilize their potential. -- Dr Mike Stopper This is a truly remarkable book which brings together several of the world's leading scholars on gifted and talent education, in order to provide a bridge to the front lines of a flourishing field. This Handbook is a must-read; not only for all those who seek orientation on the topic, but also for researchers who want a thorough overview of the latest developments. Highly recommended! -- Professor Albert Ziegler The new SAGE Handbook of Gifted and Talented Education is a forward-looking summary that fills a gap in gifted education and reflects to contemporary challenges. Its major strength lies in the perspective of cultural and developmental psychology, so instead of expansive and all-in statements it applies a relativistic, dynamic and international approach that makes space for individual differences and diversity. Equity issues and culturally based definitions draw the readers' attention to atypical gifted learners, with a special emphasis on social and emotional characteristics. In addition, the practical aspects of educational provisions are included with a special focus on 21st century needs and skills. Current topics, like context-based creativity, artificial intelligence and spiritual intelligence are also presented, while classical models of giftedness and creativity - like the theories of Csikszentmihalyi, Sternberg, Simonton or Renzulli - get a new light, which makes the book an essential reading for the next decade. -- Dr Szilvia Fodor The new Sage Handbook of Gifted and Talented Education provides the reader a considerable cross-section of thoughtful chapters on the education of students with gifts and talents. The handbook is chock full of many luminaries in the field of gifted education, as well as a group of great thinkers who often write in other fields. In addition, there are several chapters on the topic of creativity and gifted education. While it does focus on the educational aspects of gifted education, it offers insights and original ideas often lacking in these types of handbooks. For example, from Dorothy Sisk's chapter on spiritual giftedness, to Don Ambrose's chapter on giftedness in the context of 21st Century Globalization, the unique subject matter provides the reader with a wide cross-section of topics. Another way this book will broaden the minds of its readers comes from the fact that authors from numerous countries are represented. In total, this handbook provides many up-to-date chapters on salient topics related to the education of students with gifts and talents. Seldom are books like this produced and I am confident that this book will make a splash among professionals interested in this special population. -- Professor Tracy L. Cross

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