Facing An Unequal World


Challenges for Global Sociology

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Edited by Raquel Sosa Elízaga
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Raquel Sosa Elizaga has degrees in Sociology, Latin American Studies, and PhD in History, National Autonomous University of Mexico. She has been Full Time Professor at the Center for Latin American Studies of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, since January, 1976. Past positions held include: - Vice President of Program of the International Sociological Association, from 2010 to 2014 - A member of its Program Committee from 1998 to 2002 - A member of its Executive Committee, from 2006 to 2010 - President of the Asociacion Latinoamericana de Sociologia, from 1985 to 1987 - A member of its Council of Ex Presidents, since 2013 - Secretary of Social Development and of Culture in the Mexico City Government, from 2000 to 2005, and from 2005 to 2006. Her publications include Educacion y exclusion (UNAM, 2017), "Reflexiones sobre la tradicion sociologica, los dilemas de nuestro tiempo y el porvenir" en Castaneda, Davila et al, El futuro de las ciencias sociales en un entorno globalizado (UNAM, 2017); Hacia la recuperacion de la soberania educativa en America Latina: conciencia critica y programa (UNAM/CLACSO, 2012); Pensar con cabeza propia. Educacion y pensamiento critico en America Latina (CLACSO, 2011); Cuadernos del pensamiento critico latinoamericano, Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales 45(4) (2011); Co author with Irene Sanchez, America Latina: los desafios del pensamiento critico (Siglo XXI, 2004).

Chapter 1: Introduction - Raquel Sosa Elizaga Part One: Capitalism and Inequality: Globalized Economies and Fractured Societies Chapter 2: When Extractive Logics Rule: Proliferating Expulsions - Saskia Sassen Chapter 3: Resilience, Resistance and Rewiring the World Economy: A View from the South - Ari Sitas Chapter 4: Stratification Requiescat in Pace: Paradigm Shift: From 'Stratification' and Mobility to Inequality - Goeran Therborn Part Two: Economic, Territorial and Social Dimensions of Inequality Chapter 5: Globalization, Uneven Economic Development, Inequality and Poverty: The Interactive Effects Between Position in the Modern World System and Domestic Stratification Systems - Harold Kerbo Chapter 6: Poverty and Inequality in the Arab World - Habibul Haque Khondker Chapter 7: Amazonia: Territorial Tensions in Progress - Carlos Walter Porto-Goncalves Chapter 8: Climate Change and Vulnerable Urban Groups: Comparative Analysis of Taipei and Kaohsiung - Keng-Ming Hsu & Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao Chapter 9: The Coming of the New Class Society: Gender Matters - Chizuko Ueno Chapter 10: Duel of the Dualisms: Production and Reproduction Reconfiguring - Susan A. McDaniel Chapter 11: The Historic Environment in Opposition to Social Inequalities - Hiroyuki Torigoe Chapter 12: The Capability Approach, Social Development and Human Rights - Jean-Michel Bonvin Chapter 13: Two Dissident Ways of Reading on Inequality - Ana Esther Cecena Chapter 14: Framing Arab Poverty Knowledge Production: A Socio-bibliometric Study - Sarah El Jamal & Sari Hanafi Part Three: Reforms, Resistance and Alternatives: New Ways Towards Social Justice Chapter 15: The Limits of Reform in Liberal Democracies - Walden Bello Chapter 16: Tensions Between Development, Public Policies to Confront Poverty/Inequality and the Defense of Pluriculturality in South America - Edgardo Lander Chapter 17: Inequitable Access to Citizenship in Democratic States: An Exploration of the Limits of Gendered Social Policies for the Attainment of Gender Inequality - Grace Khunou Chapter 18: Collective Right to Life and New Social Justice: the Case of the Bolivian Indigenous Movement - Paulo Henrique Martins Chapter 19: Demanding Justice: Popular Protests in China - Chih-Jou Jay Chen Chapter 20: Thomas Piketty and the Marikana Massacre - Peter Alexander Chapter 21: From Tekel to Gezi Resistance in Turkey: Possibilities for a Combined Rights Movement - Aylin Topal Chapter 22: Socio-ecological Inequality and the Democratization Process - Jose Esteban Castro

Raquel Sosa has assembled an incredibly complete set of analyses of inequality written by a range of scholars about a wide range of issues. Incomparable essential reading. -- Immanuel Wallerstein

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