The Tourism, Hospitality and Events Student's Guide to Study and Employability


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By Sally Everett, Nicola Cade, Abigail Hunt, Deborah Lock, Katie Lupton, Steve McDonald
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Sally is Professor of Business Education and Vice Dean (Education) at King's Business School, King's College London. Sally was previously a Deputy Dean at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) and led their work on inclusive learning and teaching. She is a National Teaching Fellow and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Before her time at ARU, Sally was the Head of Department for tourism and marketing at the University of Bedfordshire, and previously worked for a large heritage visitor attraction in Bristol. Sally's research interests include cultural tourism and inclusive education. Publications include 'Food Tourism: Principles and Practices' with Sage Publications and numerous articles on tourism, community resistance and inclusive teaching.

Section A: Study Skills for Tourism, Hospitality and Events Chapter 1: The value of a university education Chapter 2: Typical teaching methods and approaches Chapter 3: Researching tourism, hospitality and events Chapter 4: Finding sources and academic reading Chapter 5: Academic writing and referencing Chapter 6: Assessments: written course work and examinations Chapter 7: Assessments: presentations (group and individual) Chapter 8: Critical thinking and questioning what you are reading Chapter 9: Digital literacy and the application of ICT Chapter 10: Reflective thinking Chapter 11: Time management Section B: Personal Development and Employability Skills Chapter 12: Employability: developing skills for work and life Chapter 13: Communication and interpersonal skill development Chapter 14: Body talks: body language and non-verbal communication Chapter 15: Team-working and leading others Chapter 16: Languages and cultural sensitivity Chapter 17: Social responsibility and sustainability awareness Chapter 18: Project Management Chapter 19: Problem Solving and Creativity Section C: Gaining work experience Chapter 20: Graduate employment in tourism, hospitality and events Chapter 21: Work Placements and internships Chapter 22: Volunteer opportunities and part time work Section D: Career planning and preparation Chapter 23: Successful transition into the world of work Chapter 24: Understanding the selection process Chapter 25: Social media and your job search Chapter 26: Personal branding: 'brand me' Chapter 27: Effective networking Chapter 28: Postgraduate studies and the route towards an academic career Section E: Securing and entering employment Chapter 29: CVs Chapter 30: Application forms and covering letters Chapter 31: Selection interviews Chapter 32: Psychometric tests Chapter 33: Assessment and recruitment centres Section F: Your own way? Entrepreneurship and future opportunities Chapter 34: Developing ideas and concepts for a new business Chapter 35: Emergent opportunities and the Fourth Industrial Revolution Chapter 36: Conclusion

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