Chapter 1: Introduction: Towards a Common Framework for Counselling and Psychotherapy Part I: A Common Framework for Counselling Psychotherapy and Social Change: Describing the elephant Chapter 2: Directionality: Philosophical foundations Chapter 3: A phase model of directionality: From fantasy to action Chapter 4: Wellbeing and emotions: Life on track Chapter 5: Goal dimensions: What we strive for counts Chapter 6: A structural model of directionality: What we really, really want Chapter 7: Effectiveness: Better ways of getting where we want to be Chapter 8: Synergies are good Chapter 9: From intrapersonal to interpersonal levels of organisation: playing to win-win Part II: Resources for an integrative practice: Putting the elephant back together Chapter 10: Psychodynamic approaches within a directional framework: Change through awareness Chapter 11: Humanistic approaches within a directional framework Chapter 12: Existential approaches within a directional framework Chapter 13: Cognitive-behavioural approaches within a directional framework Part III: Directional practices: Riding the elephant Chapter 14: Goal-oriented practices Chapter 15: Working with directions in counselling and psychotherapy Chapter 16: Developing interpersonal synergies Chapter 17: Conclusion: Towards better