The SAGE Handbook of Personality and Individual Differences


Volume II: Origins of Personality and Individual Differences

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Edited by Virgil Zeigler-Hill, Todd K. Shackelford
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Virgil Zeigler-Hill, PhD, is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at Oakland University. His research focuses on three interrelated areas: (1) self-esteem, (2) dark personality features (e.g., narcissism, spitefulness, psychopathy), and (3) interpersonal relationships. Much of his research reflects an integration of his primary interests (e.g., the role that dark personality features play in interpersonal relationships). Todd K. Shackelford received his Ph.D. in evolutionary psychology in 1997 from the University of Texas at Austin. Since 2010, he is Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology at Oakland University ( in Rochester, Michigan, where he is Co-Director of the Evolutionary Psychology Lab ( In 2016, he was appointed Distinguished Professor by the Oakland University Board of Trustees. He led the founding of new Ph.D. and M.S. programs (, which launched in 2012. Shackelford has published around 300 journal articles and his work has been cited over 22,000 times. Much of Shackelford's research addresses sexual conflict between men and women, with a special focus on men's physical, emotional, and sexual violence against their intimate partners. Since 2006, Shackelford has served as editor of the journal Evolutionary Psychology, and in 2014 founded the journal Evolutionary Psychological Science as Editor-in-Chief.

Part 04: Biological Origins of Personality and Individual Differences Chapter 29: Hormonal Influences on Personality and Individual Differences - Jennifer Guinn Sellers & Thanh Thanh L. Nguyen Chapter 30: Molecular Genetic Studies of Human Temperament - Kostas A. Papageorgiou & Vijeinika Vipulananthan Chapter 31: Digit Ratio and Personality and Individual Differences - John T. Manning & Bernhard Fink Chapter 32: Morningness-Eveningness and Sociosexuality from a Life-History Perspective - James Marvel-Coen, Coltan Scrivner, & Dario Maestripieri Chapter 33: Toward the Molecular Basis of Personality - Turhan Canli Part 05: Developmental Origins of Personality and Individual Differences Chapter 34: Individual Differences in Personal Narrative: Coherence, Autobiographical Reasoning, and Meaning Making - Theodore E. A. Waters & Christin Koeber Chapter 35: Developmental Profiles of Individuals with Psychopathic Traits: The Good, the Bad, and the Snake - Marie-Helene Cigna, Jean-Pierre Guay, & Nathalie M. G. Fontaine Chapter 36: Generational Changes in Self-Esteem and Narcissism - Eunike Wetzel, M. Brent Donnellan, Richard W. Robins, & Kali H. Trzesniewski Chapter 37: The Role of the Family in Personality Development - Ugo Pace & Alessia Passanisi Chapter 38: The Role of Peers in Personality Development - Julia Zimmermann & Anne K. Reitz Chapter 39: Personality Development in Adolescence and Young Adulthood - Theo A. Klimstra, Jeroen Borghuis, & Wiebke Bleidorn Chapter 40: The Development of Evolutionarily Adaptive Individual Differences: Children as Active Participants in Their Current and Future Survival - P. Douglas Sellers, II, Karin Machluf, & David F. Bjorklund Chapter 41: Cross-Situational Consistency, Variability, and the Behavioral Signature - Marc A. Fournier & D. S. Moskowitz Chapter 42: Transactions of Personality and the Social Environment During Development - Odilia M. Laceulle & Marcel A. G. van Aken Chapter 43: Personality Development in Adulthood - Marcus Mund, Julia Zimmermann, & Franz J. Neyer Chapter 44: Moral Character: Current Insights and Future Directions - Erik G. Helzer, R. Michael Furr, & Eranda Jayawickreme Part 06: Environmental Origins of Personality and Individual Differences Chapter 45: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Personality and Individual Differences - Jueri Allik & Anu Realo Chapter 46: Threat of Infectious Disease - Iris M. Wang, Nicholas M. Michalak, & Joshua M. Ackerman Chapter 47: Sex Ration Influences on Personality and Individual Differences - Daniel J. Kruger Chapter 48: Individualism and Collectivism - Takeshi Hamamura, Karim Bettache, & Yi Xu Chapter 49: Exploring Potential Causes of Individual Differences in the Expression of Neonatal Imitation - Siobhan Kennedy-Costantini & Mark Nielsen Chapter 50: Individual Differences and Romantic Relationships: Bidirectional Influences on Self and Relational Processes - Brent A. Mattingly, Kevin P. McIntyre, & Dylan Faulkner Selterman Chapter 51: The Gender Similarities Hypothesis - Jennifer L. Petersen Chapter 52: Positive Personality Change Following Adversity - Eranda Jayawickreme & Corinne E. Zachry Chapter 53: Self-Sacrifice for a Cause: A Review and an Integrative Model - Jocelyn J. Belanger, Birga M. Schumpe, Bhavna Menon, Joanna Conda Ng, & Noemie Nociti

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