Qualitative Secondary Analysis


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Edited by Kahryn Hughes, Anna Tarrant
Release Date:
242.00h x 170.00w

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Dr. Kahryn Hughes is Associate Professor in Sociology at the University of Leeds. She has received Economic and Social Research Council funding for several of their flagship methodological programmes, including the Research Methods Programme, and Timescapes. Her research over the past fifteen years has primarily aimed at methods for innovation and development. Her current research interests relate to three overlapping areas: the sociology of health inequalities, sociological theory, and research methodology. More specifically, she is interested in: addiction, poverty, time, relationality and identity. Anna Tarrant is Associate Professor in Sociology at the University of Lincoln. Her research interests include men and masculinities, family life, and methodological developments in qualitative longitudinal methodologies and qualitative secondary analysis. She previously worked at the University of Leeds where she began the Leverhulme Trust funded study, "Men, Poverty and Lifetimes of Care" (2014-2018), which explores the care responsibilities of men living on a low income from a lifecourse perspective. Affiliated to Following Young Fathers, this project led to another funded impact project called "Responding to Young Fathers in a Different Way." This study supported developments in more effective support for marginalised young fathers.

PART I: CHANGING DATA LANDSCAPES AND QUALITATIVE SECONDARY ANALYSIS Chapter 1: An Introduction to Qualitative Secondary Analysis - Kahryn Hughes and Anna Tarrant Chapter 2: Qualitative Secondary Analysis: Working Across Datasets - Sarah Irwin Chapter 3: The Ethics of Qualitative Secondary Analysis - Kahryn Hughes and Anna Tarrant PART II BUILDING QUALITATIVE SECONDARY ANALYSIS INTO RESEARCH AND TEACHING Chapter 4: Documents of Lives and Times: Revisiting Qualitative Data through Time - Bren Neale Chapter 5: Search Strategies: Analytic Searching Across Multiple Datasets and Within Combined Sources - Rosalind Edwards, Susie Weller, Lynn Jamieson and Emma Davidson Chapter 6: Collective Qualitative Secondary Analysis and Data Sharing: Strategies, Insights and Challenges - Anna Tarrant and Kahryn Hughes Chapter 7: Qualitative Secondary Analysis in Teaching - Maureen Haaker PART III METHODS OF QUALITATIVE SECONDARY ANALYSIS WITH NON-INTERVIEW DATA Chapter 8: Looking Back, Looking Forward: Working with Archived Oral History Interviews - Joanna Bornat Chapter 9: Doing Qualitative Secondary Analysis: Revisiting Young People's Imagined Futures in Ray Pahl's Sheppey Studies - Dawn Lyon and Graham Crow Chapter 10: Imagination and the Analytical Potential of Working with Non-Interview or Unusual Data - John Goodwin and Henrietta O'Connor Chapter 11: Using Quantitative Data in Qualitative Secondary Analysis - Jane Gray and Ruth Geraghty

'Practical, sensible and timely guide, inspiring teachers, researchers and students to work creatively with the wealth of archived qualitative data now freely available to us'. Rachel Thomson, Professor of Childhood and Youth Studies, University of Sussex -- Rachel Thomson This book confirms the standing of QSA securely within the mainstream of social science methods. It provides detailed chapters based on recent research using QSA, such as longitudinal QSA , nuanced comparative analysis, and blending existing with newly generated qualitative data. Fundamental ethical challenges that arise when repurposing data (e.g., the absence of explicit consent for reuse) are reviewed, and possible ways forward proposed. Instructors in need of a clear, accessible introduction to QSA for use in a methodology course will be well satisfied. Dr Libby Bishop is the Coordinator for International Data Infrastructures in the Data Archive at GESIS-Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences. -- Dr Libby Bishop

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