Zina O'Leary is an internationally recognized leader in research methodologies and has a keen interest in the application of research to evidence-based decision-making. Zina is a Senior -Fellow at the Australia and New Zealand School of Government where she coordinates research and project units for their Executive Masters and Executive Education Programmes. Zina also has an extensive history as a consultant to both government and the private sector and was the research coordinator for the Centre for Environmental Health Development at the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre. She is the author of Researching Real World Problems, The Social Science Jargon Buster, Workplace Research and three books in Sage's Little Quick Fix Series: Research Questions; Research Proposals; and Presenting Your Research.
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1. What is the purpose of a research proposal? 2. How can I get the most benefit out of writing a research proposal? 3. What do I need to work out before I start writing the proposal? 4. How can I write so that my proposal is a winner? 5. What can go wrong and how do I overcome obstacles? 6. The DIY workbook
This semester is my first time having to go through the official research proposal process, and it was a little terrifying! So having this book (and the Little Quick Fix: Research Question) available was super helpful. It really helps you get over that initial "What the heck am I even going to DO?!?! -- Amazon Reviewer