The SAGE Handbook of Political Science


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Edited by Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Bertrand Badie, Leonardo A. Morlino
Release Date:
246 x 184 mm
3630 g

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Leonardo Morlino is Professor of Political Science and Director of the International Research Center on Democracies and Democratizations at LUISS, Rome. He was President of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) (2009-12). He is the author of more than 30 books and more than 200 journal essays and book chapters published in English, French, German, Spanish, Hungarian, Chinese, Mongolian, and Japanese. His most recent books include: Changes for Democracy (Oxford UP, 2011), Democracias y Democratizaciones (CIS, 2008); Democratization and the European Union: Comparing Central and Eastern European Post-Communist Countries (Routledge 2010, with W. Sadurski), International Actors, Democratization and the Rule of Law: Anchoring Democracy? (Routledge 2008, with A. Magen). He was also one of the three editors of the International Encyclopedia of Political Science (8 voll., Sage Publications, 2011), that won the Honorable Mention of Darthmouth Medal for reference publishing in all domains of knowledge. Morlino was Professor of Political Science at the University of Florence and at the Istituto di Scienze Umane in Florence and has held a number of visiting professorships. In 2002-03 he was the Bechtel Visiting Professor at Stanford's Graduate School of Business; in 1995 visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution; and in 1989-90 NATO Fellow of the Center for European Studies, Stanford University. His academic credentials also include stints as the Monte dei Paschi Fellow at St. Anthony's College, Oxford (2010), the Jemolo Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford (2007 and 1998); visiting professor at the Juan March Institute, Madrid (1995-96); and visiting professor at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques, Paris (1993-95, 2006, 2009, 2013). Morlino is a leading specialist in comparative politics with expertise on Southern and Eastern Europe, with a focus on phenomenon of democratization. Now he is directing a new research on the impact of the 2008-14 economic crisis of the six European large democracies.

Volume 01 Introduction: Global Political Science - Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Bertrand Badie, & Leonardo Morlino Part 01: Political Theory Chapter 1: Comparative Political Theory - Siddhart Mallavarapu Chapter 2: Constructivism - Jun Ayukawa Chapter 3: Durkheimian Tradition in Political Science - Gianfranco Poggi Chapter 4: Economic Analysis in Political Science - James Hollifield & Hiroki Takeuchi Chapter 5: Functionalism and its Legacy - Timofey Agarin Chapter 6: Feminist Political Science - Marian Sawer Chapter 7: Marx and Marxism in Politics - Dingping Guo Chapter 8: New Institutionalism - B. Guy Peters & Jon Pierre Chapter 9: Normative Political Theory - Furio Cerutti Chapter 10: Political Anthropology and its Legacy - Yves Schemeil Chapter 11: Uses and Abuses of Formal Models in Political Science - Jack Paine & Scott Tyson Chapter 12: Post-modernism Past, Present and Future - Richard Beardsworth Chapter 13: David Easton's Political Systems Analysis - Henrik Bang Chapter 14: Max Weber and the Weberian Tradition in Political Science - Hinnerk Bruhns & Andreas Anter Part 02: Methods Chapter 15: The Survival and Adaptation of Area Studies - Rudra Sil Chapter 16: Big Data in Social Sciences - Uwe Wagschal & Felix Ettensperger Chapter 17: Case Studies and Process Tracing - Derek Beach Chapter 18: Causation - Michael Baumgartner Chapter 19: Concept Regulation in Political Science - Zachary Elkins Chapter 20: Configurative Methods - Claudius Wagemann Chapter 21: Designing a Research Project - Hans Keman Chapter 22: Experiments - Anna Bassi Chapter 23: Historical and Longitudinal Analyses - Einar Berntzen Chapter 24: Interpretative Methods - Terrell Carver Chapter 25: Methodology - Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches - Nathaniel Beck Chapter 26: Mixed Method and Multimethod Research and Design - Manfred Max Bergman Chapter 27: Ontologies, Epistemologies and the Methodological Awakening - Jonathon Moses Chapter 28: Survey Research - Bruno Cautres Volume 02 Part 03: Political Sociology Chapter 29: Clientelism - Herbert Kitschelt Chapter 30: Elites - Ursula Hoffmann-Lange Chapter 31: Identities - Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski Chapter 32: Interest Group Systems in the Age of Globalization - Liborio Mattina Chapter 33: Parties - Daniel-Louis Seiler Chapter 34: Pluralism - Roland Czada Chapter 35: Political Behavior - Oscar Gabriel Chapter 36: Political Communication - Gianpietro Mazzoleni & Cristopher Cepernich Chapter 37: Political Cultures - Dirk Berg-Schlosser Chapter 38: Political Socialization - Maria Marczewska-Rytko Chapter 39: Social Movements - Donatella della Porta Chapter 40: Social Structure - Manuel Antonio Garreton & Nicolas Alberto Selame Zarzar Part 04: Comparative Politics Chapter 41: Political Accountability - Yannis Papadopoulos Chapter 42: Authoritarianisms and Authoritarianization - Oliver Schlumberger & Tasha Schedler Chapter 43: Democracies - Bernard Grofman Chapter 44: Electoral Systems - Bernard Grofman Chapter 45: Executive Power - Ferdinand Mueller-Rommel & Michelangelo Vercesi Chapter 46: Federalisms - Surinder Shukla Chapter 47: Hybrid Regimes - Jean-Francois Gagne & Anne-Laure Mahe Chapter 48: Judicial Power - Daniela Piana Chapter 49: Legislative Power - Werner Patzelt Chapter 50: Legitimacy and Legitimation - Hans-Joachim Lauth Chapter 51: Political Competition - Jennifer Cyr & Alexis Work Chapter 52: Regime Change - Laurence Whitehead Chapter 53: Religion and Politics - Jeffrey Haynes Chapter 54: Responsiveness - Jeeyang Rhee Baum Chapter 55: Political Performance and State Capacity - Edeltraud Roller Chapter 56: State Formation and Failure - I. William Zartman Volume 03 Part 05: Public Policies and Administration Chapter 57: Bureaucracy and Bureaucratic Effectiveness - B. Guy Peters Chapter 58: Corruption - Bo Rothstein Chapter 59: Governance - Carlos R.S. Milani Chapter 60: Implementation - Harald Saetren Chapter 61: Informal Governance and Participatory Institutions - Leonardo Avritzer Chapter 62: Local Politics - Helmut Wollmann Chapter 63: Policies Beyond the State - Eva Heidbreder & Daniel Schade Chapter 64: Politics and Policy - Giliberto Capano Chapter 65: Policy Evaluation - Evert Vedung Chapter 66: Policy Instruments - Michael Howlett Chapter 67: Policy Learning - Claire A. Dunlop & Claudio M. Radaelli Chapter 68: Policy Making: Models - Rajesh Chakrabarti & Kaushiki Sanyal Chapter 69: Regulation - David Levi-Faur & Yael Kariv-Teitelbaum Chapter 70: Welfare State - Maurizio Ferrera Part 06: International Relations Chapter 71: Diplomacy - Geoffrey Wiseman Chapter 72: Foreign Policy Analysis - Jonathan Paquin Chapter 73: Globalization - Helen Milner Chapter 74: International Political Economy - Stephane Paquin Chapter 75: International Political Theory - Richard Ned Lebow Chapter 76: International Relations Theory - Gunther Hellmann Chapter 77: Multilateralism - David M. Malone & Rohinton P. Medhora Chapter 78: The New Wars - Herfried Muenkler Chapter 79: In Search of the Non-Western State: Historicising and De-Westphalianising Statehood - Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou Chapter 80: Regionalism - Louise Fawcett Chapter 81: State, Power and Security - Klaus Schlichte & Elizaveta Gaufman Chapter 82: Transnational Relations as a Field - Jeffrey D. Maslanik Chapter 83: War and Peace - Charles-Philippe David & Alexis Rapin Part 07: Major Challenges for Politics and Political Science in the 21st Century Chapter 84: Changes of International Power Relations - Bertrand Badie Chapter 85: Environmental Changes - Tancrede Voituriez Chapter 86: Human Rights and Humanitarian Interventions on the International Arena - Salvador Santino Fulo Regilme Jr. Chapter 87: International Migration - Christoph Rass Chapter 88: International Violence - Karim Emile Bitar & Charles Thibout Chapter 89: Minorities: Empirical and Political-Theoretical Reflections on a Cunning Concept - Schirin Amir-Moazemi Chapter 90: Populism - Hanspeter Kriesi Chapter 91: Outcomes after Transitions in Third Wave Democracies - Scott Mainwaring & Fernando Bizzarro Chapter 92: New Wars in the Global South - Atta EL-Battahani

This handbook breaks new grounds in political science by providing distinct but connected global voices in cutting edge political science research. It will be an indispensable resource for the study of politics well into mid-century but especially in an era of unprecedented transformations and disruptions. -- Dalchoong Kim This Handbook demonstrates - most remarkably in the authors' introduction - that political science in the 21st century cannot be understood without appreciating its comprehensive global reach against the backdrop of diverse epistemological traditions, of cultural backgrounds, and of a cross-area perspective. While this is made evident in the coverage of the discipline's sub-fields and in the selection of contributors, the last section on contemporary challenges - international power relations, environmental changes, migrations, populism - highlights the core research topics and possible institutional innovations that concern us all. -- Lourdes Sola This new Handbook of Political Science deserves my full praise thanks to the extraordinary skills of its editors: Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Leonardo Morlino and Bertrand Badie. The range of contributors, including excellent colleagues from Latin American, Asian, Australasian and African universities, reflects the truly global character of contemporary political science. Moreover, this is not the only turning point of this Handbook. A second distinguishing feature relates to a particularly striking erosion of the thus far dominant political science terminology. The scope of the topics covered, the concepts and the terminology similarly show this innovative and pluralist perspective. This includes some of the major challenges of political science in the 21st Century and, indeed, of humankind. -- Guy Hermet

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