Paul Atkinson is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at Cardiff University. Recent publications include For Ethnography (SAGE 2014) and Thinking Ethnographically (SAGE 2017). The fourth book in his quartet will be Crafting Ethnography, also for SAGE. The fourth edition of Hammersley and Atkinson Ethnography: Principles in Practice was published by Routledge in 2019. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and of the Learned Society of Wales.
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Introduction: Writing Matters Textual Reflexivity Notes and Margins Reflections and Confessions Ethnographic Presence Stories and Parables Modernisms Writing the Self Fictions and Performances Reflexivity Revisited
By one of the most distinguished commentators, this is a learned and beautifully enlivening account of the critical place of textual form in ethnography . Informed by a disciplined and critical sociological imagination and unconstrained by a central creed, this book will liberate ethnographic researchers to write their worlds. -- Endorsement All social scientists should read this wise, generous, and radical book which resets and restores our understanding of ethnographic writing, its craft, and its rationale. -- Endorsement