The SAGE Handbook of Learning and Work


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Edited by Margaret Malloch, Len Cairns, Karen Evans, Bridget N. O'Connor
Release Date:
246 x 184 mm
1380 g

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Margaret Malloch, PhD, FRSA, is an Honorary Professor in the Institute for Sustainable Industries and Liveable Cities, Victoria University, where she was Director of Research Training in Arts and Education. As Reader in Education at the University of East London, Margaret contributed to leadership of doctoral programs. She is a member of the VETNET Board of the European Educational Research Association, the International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training, and the Australian Council of Deans of Education Vocational Education Group. She is a past Chair of the AERA Special Interest Group Workplace Learning and Coordinator of VETNET. Her research and publications focus on work and learning, doctoral education and vocational education and training. Current research is: Putting a human face on good Vocational Education and Training teaching and learning. Leonard Cairns, PhD, FRSA, is an Adjunct Associate professor at Monash University, Australia, and was previously Associate dean in the Faculty of Education, at Monash University. Len is a past Chair of the Workplace Learning Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association and has been a long-time member of the EERA, VETNET group. Len is an associate editor of a number of international journals and reviews for journals in the areas of VET, Management and Learning and Teacher Education. His research on work, learning and VET, and Capability Theory and application, has led to many publications. Past SAGE edited books have included The SAGE Handbook of Workplace Learning (Malloch, Cairns, Evans and O'Connor, Eds, 2011) and the four volume "major work", Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, (Malloch, Cairns and O'Connor Eds, 2016). Karen Evans, PhD, FAcSS is Emeritus Professor of Education at UCL Institute of Education. She held the Chair in Education in the Department of Education, Practice and Society at UCL and served as Head of Lifelong Education and International Development in the Institute of Education, University of London. Karen's research and publications focus on learning in the life and work transitions of youth and adulthood. Honorary Professorships currently include the UK Economic and Social Research Council Centre for Learning and Life Chances (LLAKES, UCL) and RMIT University, Australia. She also plays leading roles in the Asia-Europe Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning and in VETNET (European Educational Research Association). She was honoured to be awarded the European Commission's Vocational Education and Training Research Award in 2017. Bridget N. O'Connor, Ph.D., is Professor Emerita, Higher Education and Business Education, New York University where she taught graduate level courses including curriculum development and workplace learning. In addition to her work with SAGE Publishing, her work includes six college-level textbooks related to either end-user computing or learning in the workplace. Bridget chaired AERA's Special Interest Group Workplace Learning and was president of the Organizational Systems Research Association, and editor of its journal. Bridget was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Kabul, Afghanistan, and a Fulbright Senior Specialist at Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia. She either chaired or served as a member of 60 NYU doctoral committees; several of her students have won national research awards.

General Introduction - Margaret Malloch, Len Cairns, Karen Evans, & Bridget N. O'Connor Part 1: Theoretical Perspectives of Learning and Work Part Introduction - Len Cairns Chapter 1: Learning and Work: Theories and Developments - Len Cairns Chapter 2: The Co-Occurrence of Work, Learning, and Innovation: Advancing Workers' Learning and Work Practices - Stephen Billett Chapter 3: Learning, Work and Mindfulness: Exploring the Potential of Contemplative Practices in Vocational Education and Training - Terry Hyland Chapter 4: Integrating Work and Learning in Higher Education and VET: A Theoretical Point of View - Paeivi Tynjaelae, Hannu L.T. Heikkinen & Eeva K. Kallio Chapter 5: Heutagogy, Work and Lifelong Learning - Stewart Hase & Lisa Marie Blaschke Chapter 6: Multi-Level Expansive Learning in Work-Life Networks: Developmental Work Research Perspective - Hanna Toiviainen Chapter 7: Adaptivity between Professional Learning and Education: Development of Flexible Expertise in Work-Based Settings - Loek Niewenhuis, Lia Fluit & Wietske Kuijer-Siebelink Chapter 8: The Transformation of Learning: From Learning Organizations to a Landscape of Ecosystems - Maarit H. Virolainen, Hannu L. T. Heikkinen, Sirpa Laitinen-Vaeaenaenen, & Juhani Rautopuro Chapter 9: Studying Diverse Learning Spaces at Work Together with People who Learn and Work: Multiple Levels of Reflection - Elina Maslo Chapter 10: Liquid Learning: Re-conceiving the Lived-in-World - Terri Seddon Part 2: Intersections of Learning and Work in Organisations and Beyond Part Introduction - Bridget N. O'Connor Chapter 11: From Work-based Learning to Learning-based Work: Exploring the Changing Relationship Between Learning and Work - Victoria J. Marsick, Rachel Fichter, & Karen E. Watkins Chapter 12: A Dialectical Perspective on Mind, Culture and Occupation as Illustrated by the Case of Nursing in Canada - Peter H. Sawchuk Chapter 13: The Future is in the Present: Learning and Organizing in the Field of Organizational Learning - Bente Elkjaer Chapter 14: The Development and Impact of Professional Doctorates - Carol Costley & David Boud Chapter 15: Critical Reflection, Leadership, and the Public Good: A Chief Learning Officer Perspective - Shahron Williams Van Rooij Chapter 16: Trends and Directions in Organizational Human Capital Development: Building an Engaging Culture that Supports Learning and Talent Development - Rebecca L. Ray, Amy Lui Abel, & Amanda Popiela Chapter 17: Motivating the Millennials to Learn and Thrive at Work: How can Mentoring Help? - Rajashi Ghosh & Ague Manongsong Chapter 18: Executive Coaching in the 21st Century - Marc Sokol Chapter 19: Digital Learning in Healthcare: Where We Are and Where We Are Going - Elizabeth A. Regan, Ajmal M. Agha, & Robert G. Brookshire Chapter 20: Digitalization of Work: Challenges for Workplace Learning - Christian Harteis, Michael Goller, & Karl-Heinz Gerholz Part 3: Learning Throughout Working Lives and Beyond Part Introduction - Karen Evans Chapter 21: What's New about Lifelong Learning, and What does it mean for Working Lives? - Karen Evans Chapter 22: Biographical Learning and Midlife Career Transitions - Anders Hallqvist Chapter 23: Smart Learning Cities Promoting Lifelong Learning through Working Lives - Michael Osborne, Srabani Maitra and Agnieszka Uflewska Chapter 24: Investigating Generations and Knowledge in Workplaces: A Cultural-Historical Approach - Maria Cristina Migliore Chapter 25: Working at the Boundaries: Learning and Development of Non-Permanent Workers - Helen Bound Chapter 26: Professional Education, Professional Work, and their Connections: A Conversation - Alison Taylor Chapter 27: Rethinking International Development, Lifelong Learning, and Work - Moses Oketch Chapter 28: Challenges Migrant Students Face in Vocational Education and Training: Examples from a Health Care Program - Marianne Teraes Chapter 29: Use of Intelligent Virtual Assistants in Lifelong Learning for Persons with Visual Impairments - Michele Forbes and Johanna Lasonen Chapter 30: Enhancing the Life Chances and Social Participation of Young Adults through Workplace Learning - Natasha Kersh, Natalia Zaichenko, & Liudmila Zaichenko Part 4: Issues and Challenges to Learning and Work Part Introduction - Margaret Malloch Chapter 31: Thinking about the Future: The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Capitalism, Waged Labour and Anti-Work - James Avis Chapter 32: Learning, Work and Education for Sustainability - Frances Quinn, Karsten Zegwaard, Subhashni Taylor, & Neil Taylor Chapter 33: Technology: Challenges and Issues for Learning and Work - Len Cairns Chapter 34: Social Media, Learning and Work - Alison Fox Chapter 35: Approaches to International Comparative Research in Learning and Work - Matthias Pilz & Junmin Li Chapter 36: Vocational Education and Training in Cuba: A Process of Changes Towards Learning in the Workplace - Margaret Malloch, Juan Alberto Mena Lorenzo, Jorge Luis Mena Lorenzo, Lazaro Moreno Herrera, & Pedro Luis Yturria Montenegro Chapter 37: Redefining Education and Work Relations: VET Overcoming the Financial Crisis in Spain - Ignacio Martinez-Morales & Fernando Marhuenda-Fluixa Chapter 38: Vocational Education and Training in Australia: A Shifting Landscape - Margaret Malloch Chapter 39: Where did the Learning Go? Artificial Intelligence, 'Use Sovereignty' and 'Pixarfication' in Factories of the Future - John Preston Chapter 40: Education 4.0: Is Characterising and Harmonising Intelligences a Way of Thinking about a Pedagogy 4.0 for Higher Education - Andrew Ravenscroft, Phil Richards, & Michael Bunce

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