Part I: Orientation Chapter 1: Why Social Research? Chapter 2: Worldviews in Social Research Chapter 3: Ethical Issues in Social Research Chapter 4: From Research Idea to Research Question Part II: Planning and Design Chapter 5: Reading and Reviewing the Literature Chapter 6: Steps in the Research Process Chapter 7: Designing Social Research Part III: Method Selection Chapter 8: Deciding on Your Methods Chapter 9: Triangulation and Mixed Methods Part IV: Working with Data Chapter 10: Using Existing Data Chapter 11: Collecting Data Chapter 12: Analyzing Data Part V: Reflection and Writing Chapter 13: What is Good Research? Evaluating Your Research Project Chapter 14: Writing up Research and Using Results
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A significant effort has been made to present a detailed, contemporary overview of designing and conducting social research. The author goes beyond the usual content covered in this type of textbook, by elaborating on worldview methodological approaches to research. -- Shakiela K Davies This continues to be a stand-out resource for students who are undertaking their first social research project, and this edition brings many welcome updates. Particularly welcome are the strengthening of the section on ethics, and the integration of online and digital research throughout the text. -- Cathy Lasher