The Nurse's Guide to Medicines


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By Sheila Cunningham, Rachael Major
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Dr. Sheila Cunningham commenced her career as a nurse after which she undertook a BSc in Life Sciences (Human Physiology) Westminster University. Armed with this and a passion for all things physiology, pathology and pharmacology she taught on nursing and allied health profession programmes for many years and exploring pedagogical approaches aimed at improving and enhancing nurses knowledge and confidence with science for clinical practice. Through her doctoral work on inclusive learning she linked her teaching and subject knowledge especially around nurse and health professions education. She was programme lead for nursing exchange and BSc European Nursing until 2020 hence her interest in nursing international experiences. She holds a National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) and is a member of the Biosciences in Nursing Network (BINE). She is currently Deputy Dean for Research and Knowledge Exchange in the Faculty of Health Social Care and Education at Middlesex university. Dr Rachael Major completed a BSc (Hons) in Physiology at University College London before starting nursing. Over many years of teaching, she has used that degree to pass on her knowledge and passion for all biological sciences to many nursing and healthcare students, leading on modules across all 3 years of the nursing degree programme and at post-graduate level. During her Masters in Higher Education she researched the teaching of biological sciences to nursing students and her doctoral and post-doctoral work on dyslexia and neurodiversity in nursing has influence how she supports students' learning. She is a member of the Biosciences in Nursing Network (BiNE) and is a Senior Fellow of AdvanceHE. She is currently the Postgraduate Programmes and Academic CPD Lead and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead at the Institute of Health and Social Care Studies in Guernsey.

Chapter 1: Medicines Optimisation and Management by Sheila Cunningham Chapter 2: Medicines for Inflammatory and Autoimmune Conditions by Rachael Major Chapter 3: Medicines for Infections by Sheila Cunningham Chapter 4: Medicines for Metabolic Conditions by Rachael Major Chapter 5: Medicines for Degenerative Conditions by Rachael Major Chapter 6: Medicines for Circulatory and Transportation Conditions by Rachael Major Chapter 7: Medicines for Pain by Sheila Cunningham Chapter 8: Medicines for Common Symptoms by Sheila Cunningham Chapter 9: Considerations for Special Populations by Rachael Major and Sheila Cunningham

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