Journey to Adulthood


East Asian Perspectives

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Edited by Chin-Chun Yi, Ming-Chang Tsai
Release Date:
234 x 156 mm
650 g

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Chin-Chun Yi is a distinguished research fellow at the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Dr. Yi's recent research interests are changing families in Chinese and East Asian societies and the growth trajectories of youth from early adolescence to young adulthood. She has served as the principal investigator of research projects in family and youth studies, and leads the team composed of researchers of different ranks. Chin-Chun Yi has been an active member of the ISA since 1990, and is the current president of RC06 (2014-2018) as well as the ISA executive committee member of Research Council (2010-2014-2018). She also has numerous experiences with editorial work including serving in the editorial board of Journal of Comparative Family Studies, International Sociology, The Sociological Quarterly, Sociological Inquiry, Sociology or as the guest editor for Journal of Family Issue, Current Sociology. Among the edited books, Dr. Yi has published "The Psychological Well-being of East Asian Youth" (Springer, 2013); "Family and Marriage: Taiwan Social Change from 1985-2005" (co-edited with Y.H. Chang, in Chinese, Academia Sinica, 2012); "Changing Female's Family Status in Chinese Societies: A Comparison among Taiwan, Tianjin, Shanghai and Hong Kong" (Co-edited with Y. H. Chen, in Chinese, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 2006). She also led and edited special issues in English academic journals on youth and family over the last two decades.

Transition to Adulthood in East Asia: Introduction - Chin-Chun Yi and Ming-Chang Tsai Marriage Intention and the Subsequent Marriage in Taiwan - Chia-Hua Liu Marrying Early or Remaining Single in Taiwan: The Choice of Young Adults - Chin-Chun Yi Education-to-work Transitions and Youth's Psychological Well-being - Michael Gebel Landing a Middle-Class Position: College Degree, Occupational Status and Income of Young Adults in Taiwan - Ming-Chang Tsai Domestic Labor Involvement of Young Taiwanese Couples in Different Partnership and Parenthood Statuses - Tsui-o Tai, Yi-Fu Chen and Hsien-Chih Tu Does Having a Grandchild Strengthen Intergenerational Solidarity? Financial, Instrumental, and Emotional Support Exchanges in Taiwan - Yi-Ping Shih Childcare Arrangements Among Young Parents in Taiwan - Wan-chi Chen and Hao-Chun Cheng Parent-child Relationships from Adolescence to Early Adulthood: The Role of Conceptions of Adulthood - Ju-Ping, Lin, Chia-Wen, Yu and Chiu-Hua, Huang Norms and Relations: Developmental Self-Esteem Trajectory and Its Determinants from Adolescence to Adulthood - Yuh-Huey Jou Early Delinquency Trajectory and Developmental Outcomes in Adulthood: Findings from the Taiwan Youth Project - Yi-fu Chen and Chyi-In Wu School-to-Work Transition among High School Students in Japan: School-mediated System and Labor Market Outcomes - Hiroshi Ishida No More Gender Gaps? Gendered Employment Patterns of Young College Graduates in South Korea since 2000 - Min Young Song and Ki-Soo Eun Who Rises Higher in First Job Attainment? Trends and Patterns of School-to-Work Transition in Hong Kong - Xiaogang Wu and Maocan Guo

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