Margaret Abraham is Professor of Sociology at Hofstra University and is the President of the International Sociological Association, (ISA 2014-2018). She previously served as ISA Vice President of Research and as the American Sociological Association Representative (ASA) to the ISA (2010-2014). Her teaching and research interests include gender, ethnicity, globalization, migration and domestic violence.
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Power, Violence, and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities - Margaret Abraham Indigenous Land Appropriation and Dispossession in Australia: In Search of Justice - Maggie Walter Surveilling Blackness in the 21st Century U.S.A.: Modernity/Coloniality, Objectivity & Contemporary Forms of Injustice - Natalie P. Byfield Socio-ecological violence, resistance, and democratization processes - J. E. Castro The moral crusade on "gender ideology": Alliances against sexual and reproductive rights in Latin America - Richard Miskolci The Arc of Justice in the Era of Routinized Violence* - Bandana Purkayastha Sociology's Bipolar Disorder - Michael Burawoy The Iron Bars get Closer: Anormative Social Regulation - Margaret S. Archer The Rise of National Populism in Western Democracies - Alberto Martinelli Mapping Violence: A Comprehensive Perspective - T.K. Oommen Moral capital: A much needed resource - Piotr Sztompka Preventing and exiting violence: a domain for sociology? - Michel Wieviorka White Women in the War on Immigrants: Framing Anti-Immigrant Discourse Against Migrant Mothers - Mary Romero A Case for Academic Justice: Universities as Sites of Violence, Power (and Justice?) - Nandini Sundar