This specially discounted collection is the perfect addition to your staff CPD library, carefully curated with our most recent and classic titles to support lifelong learning and professional development. This boxset includes: "Miss, I Don't Give a Sh*t": Engaging with Challenging Behaviour in Schools (ISBN 9781529731569) The essential guide to engaging with challenging behaviour in classrooms and supporting school students with behavioural needs to flourish. A Quick Guide to Behaviour Management (ISBN 9781526424655) Blending learning theories with real-life case studies, this book fosters a deeper understanding of what causes challenging behaviour and equips readers with everything they need to know to handle it. Transforming Behaviour in the Classroom: A solution-focused guide for new teachers (ISBN 9781473902312) Considers solution-focused approaches to behaviour management exploring how a teacher can be a facilitator of positive behaviour. A to Z of Classroom Behaviour (ISBN 9781526464279) This book presents strategies and advice on how to deal with common issues in bite-size chunks that teachers can dip in and out of quickly and easily. Using Psychology in the Classroom (ISBN 9781446201664) Covering a range of current issues and topics, this book explores how psychological approaches can help teachers in key areas of practice. Better Behaviour: A Guide for Teachers (ISBN 9781529730364) This second edition of Jarlath O'Brien's insightful, practical guide for teachers, and those training to teach, combines psychological research, authentic classroom experience and the lessons learned from improving behaviour in schools. Leading Better Behaviour: A Guide for School Leaders (ISBN 9781526489210) In this companion to Better Behaviour, Jarlath O'Brien combines insights from his own experience of improving behaviour in schools, research and policy in a practical guide to support current and aspiring school leaders. A Little Guide for Teachers: Supporting Behaviour in the Classroom (ISBN 9781529718553) Little Guide for Teachers: Supporting Behaviour in the Classroominspires you to rethink how you manage behaviour. Using the authors' tried and tested approach, this book encourages you to manage mood as a preventative strategy for disruptive behaviour. Behaviour Management with Young Children: Crucial First Steps with Children 3-7 Years (ISBN 9781446282885) Bestselling author Bill Rogers introduces his tried and tested approach to managing behaviour with children in the early years. Classroom Behaviour: A Practical Guide to Effective Teaching, Behaviour Management and Colleague Support (ISBN 9781446295335) Bill Rogers' much-loved book provides both teachers and trainee teachers with a complete behaviour management toolkit. Exploring real situations, offering practical advice and exploring best practice, this new edition looks at issues facing teachers working in today's classrooms.