Dr R. Sanchez-Rivera is a Research Fellow in the Study of Race and Anti-Racism in Gonville & Caius College and an Affiliate Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Cambridge. In 2020, they were an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow in Sociology at Cambridge after they completed their Ph.D. in Latin American Studies at the University of Cambridge. Their areas of expertise are in the sociology of health and illness and historical sociology with a focus on scientific racism, critical eugenics studies, and reproductive justice in the Americas.
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Chapter 1: Introducing Critical Eugenic Studies Chapter 2: Eugenics as a Colonial Tool Chapter 3: An Unnatural Selection Chapter 4: The Impact of Eugenics Chapter 5: From Eugenics to Population Control Chapter 6: Understanding Eugenics in the Neoliberal Era Chapter 7: Genes, Gender, Race and Moral Panics Chapter 8: The Eugenic Construction of "Natural Disasters" and Global Pandemics