Originally a teacher in inner city London for 20 years, Ian Warwick founded LG&T in 2003 as part of the groundbreaking London Challenge, which reported directly to the Prime Minister's Office, and transformed education across the capital city. LG&T has directly worked with well over 5,000 schools and 11,000 teachers internationally and more than 150,000 educators worldwide have used our award winning high challenge e-learning materials. Ian co-wrote 'Educating the More Able Student' and 'World Class' in 2016 and two new books on 'Redefining More Able Education' written with Ray Speakman in 2018. He has recently completed a book on learning called Unfinished Perfection, which focuses on Leonardo Da Vinci and explores strategies for improving creativity and innovation. As well as writing dozens of articles and chapters in national and international journals and compendiums, he has also spoken at over 100 international conferences. He developed a suite of 450 hours of customised online learning materials for the Hong Kong Gifted Academy and for schools in Singapore. He has worked directly with networks of schools and universities in many countries across Europe and Africa, as well as the Middle and Far East, working with them to develop and embed tailored learning resources and professional development courses. Ian is a founding member of the Innovation and Research Steering Group at Eton College, and a Governor at the London Academy of Excellence, with a national reputation as one of the UK's leading state sixth form providers. He has established and led 10 highly successful independent state school partnerships across the UK. Ian also just finished a 3 year research project on 'how to create cultures of excellence' for the Mayor of London with a network of schools including Eton and Wellington Colleges, combined with a network of state schools across London.
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Ch1: Introduction Ch2: Educational Disadvantage Ch3: Developing Curriculum Ch4: Ten Strategies to Achieve Excellence Ch5: Developing Teaching Ch6: Pastoral Care Ch7: Partnerships Ch8: Destinations Ch9: Fifteen Strategies to Drive Greater Expectation
Despite numerous government initiatives the facts remain depressing: it will take 560 years to close the 'attainment gap' at GCSE and university, and there is a real prospect that successive generations of talented young people will see their potential wasted by systems that don't work for them. This book, by Ian Warwick, a leading international figure behind the London Challenge and an expert in raising achievement across sectors, and Alex Crossman, the Headteacher of the London Academy of Excellence, is an antidote to this bleak narrative. Its strength is in its focus: it explores how the London Academy of Excellence has, over ten years, transformed the lives of so many of its students, many from highly disadvantaged backgrounds, supporting them in successfully applying to the country's leading universities. Never has the slogan 'think locally, act globally' been so relevant than here: anyone involved in education today, and committed to improving outcomes for all children, should read 'Greater Expectations', learn from the lessons outlined here, and apply them to a national context. We can't afford to write off another generation of children, and right here we have the expertise to know how to ensure that doesn't happen again. -- David James